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On Kamis, 18 November 2010 0 komentar

top games Tips To See Meteor Shower November 17

Tips To See Meteor Shower November 17

Posted: 18 Nov 2010 06:56 AM PST

"Indonesia Raya" Akhirnya Berkumandang

Posted: 18 Nov 2010 02:30 PM PST

Tepat pukul 12.24 waktu setempat, Kamis (18/11), lagu ”Indonesia Raya” dikumandangkan untuk pertama kalinya di arena Asian Games XVI 2010. Zengcheng Dragon Boat Lake, danau di Provinsi Guandong, China, menjadi saksi kejayaan tim putra perahu naga Indonesia saat meraih medali emas untuk nomor 1.000 meter. ...

Update 16th Asian <b>Games</b> as of November 18, Medal Tally and <b>Games</b> <b>...</b>

Posted: 18 Nov 2010 04:58 AM PST

Featured Posts (Asian <b>Games</b>) China, <b>Indonesia</b> take dragon <b>...</b>

Posted: 18 Nov 2010 01:04 AM PST

WEREN'T Thailand, Indonesia, and even China beaten by our own Dragon Boat Rowers in recent international competitions? And look! they won the golds in the Guangzhou Asian Games! And here we are, craving for glory but refuse to send the ...

Indonesia Masih Diposisi 15 Asian Games

Posted: 18 Nov 2010 08:10 AM PST

Guangzhou: Dengan tambahan satu emas dan perak, kontingen Indonesia bercokol di posisi 15 Asian Games 2010 Guangzhou.

At last a gold for <b>Indonesia</b> at Asian <b>Games</b> 2010

Posted: 17 Nov 2010 11:31 PM PST

The Indonesian men and the Chinese women have won the first golds in the dragon boat competition, outrowing the competition over 1,000 meters.

The Indonesians pulled out to win a full two seconds ahead of the team from Myanmar and cross the line Thursday in 3 minutes, 32.016 seconds. Myanmar was next in 3:34.542 and South Korea 3:37.254.

In the women's 1,000 meter straight race, China crossed the line in 4:03.706, followed by Indonesia with 4:14.590 and Thailand's 4:18.292.

Gallery: Hot cheerleaders blamed for team's defeat at the Asian <b>...</b>

Posted: 17 Nov 2010 08:17 PM PST

With China sweeping up the gold medals faster than ever in Guangzhou, it leaves little mystery as to which country will top this Asian Games' medal count on November 27 when the games come to a close.

That's probably why the audience and photographers are looking away from the podiums for some excitement.

The Chinese cheerleaders of the Guangzhou Asian Games have headlined the local press over the past few days, with those on the beach volleyball and basketball court getting an excessive share of the spotlight.

And at least one losing player blames them for his team's defeat. "[The cheerleaders] had an effect on how we played. I think they had something to do with our losing the match, " said Yemenite beach volleyball player Adeeb Mahfoudh to The Telegraph yesterday. Yemen lost its beach volleyball game against Indonesia on November 16. 

Who says China doesn't have a secret weapon?

According to Ben Ben, captain of one of the beach volleyball cheering teams, most cheerleaders are university students who went through a national draft. To prepare for this Asian Games, those girls, whose average age is 20, have gone through some intensive training since June.

Elsewhere on CNNGo:



Indonesia Dobrak Klasemen Asian Games

Posted: 18 Nov 2010 02:41 AM PST

Guangzhou: Indonesia kini bertengger di posisi 14. Kesempatan Indonesia bersaing dengan negara-negara Asia Tenggara kembali terbuka.

Indonesia Naik ke Peringkat 14 Asian Games 2010

Posted: 18 Nov 2010 01:55 AM PST

Sebelumnya Indonesia berperingkat ke-19, namun tambahan satu medali emas membuat kans Indonesia untuk tetap bersaing minimal dengan negara-negara Asia Tenggara.

Kontingen Indonesia hingga Kamis (18/11) pukul 17.02 waktu setempat meraih satu medali emas, tiga perak dan delapan perunggu.

Medali emas dihasilkan dari perahu naga. Tiga perak dari cabang angkat besi, wushu dan perahu naga. Sedangkan delapan keping perunggu didulang dari cabang wushu, biliar, dua dari bulutangkis beregu, dua dari angkat besi serta satu dari taekwondo.


Indonesia Nangkring di Peringkat 14

Posted: 18 Nov 2010 01:40 AM PST

GUANGZHOU – Indonesia berhasil mendapatkan satu medali emas di ajang Asian Games 2010. Namun, keberhasilan itu hanya menempatkan Merah Putih di urutan 14.

Seperti dilaporkan situs resmi Asian Games, Kamis (19/11/2010) hingga 16.00 WIB, Indonesia berhasil mendapatkan satu emas lewat cabang olahraga Perahu Naga yang turun di nomor 1000 meter putra.

Sayang, langkah Merah Putih mendapatkan medali emas di cabor yang sama gagal. Pasalnya, tim putri harus puas menempati peringkat kedua setelah dikalahkan tim tuan rumah China di partai final.

Dengan catatan ini, maka untuk sementara Indonesia harus puas menempati peringkat 14 klasemen sementara. Tim Merah Putih baru mengumpulkan 1 medali emas, 3 perak dan 8 perunggu dengan 12 total medali.

Namun, pencapaian itu masih kalah dengan peserta lain seperti Malaysia. Tim Negeri Jiran berada di peringkat sembilan setelah mengumpulkan 3 medali emas, 3 perak dan 4 perunggu dengan total 10

Sementara itu, China terus menunjukkan kejayaan di ajang Asian Games ke 26 ini. Tim tuan rumah berhasil melejit dengan torehan 106 medali emas, 41 perak dan 40 perunggu dengan total medali 187.

Berikut klasemen sementara Asian Games hingga hari keenam:
Negara Emas Perak Perunggu Total Medali
1 China 106 41 40 187
2 R.O. Korea 32 25 37 94
3 Japan 18 43 37 98
4 DPR Korea 5 7 11 23
5 Iran 5 4 11 20
6 Hong Kong 4 7 5 16
7 Taiwan 4 5 19 28
8 Uzbekistan 3 9 10 22
9 Malaysia 3 3 4 10
10 Kazakhstan 2 7 13 22
11 Philippines 2 1 4 7
12 India 1 7 8 16
13 Thailand 1 3 10 14
14 Indonesia 1 3 8 12
15 Jordan 1 1 0 2
Macao, China 1 1 0 2
17 Viet Nam 0 9 10 19
18 Singapore 0 4 2 6
19 Myanmar 0 3 1 4
20 Mongolia 0 2 6 8
21 Pakistan 0 1 1 2
22 Afghanistan 0 1 0 1
23.Kuwait 0 1 0 1
24 Lao PDR 0 0 2 2
25 Lebanon 0 0 1 1
27.Tajikistan 0 0 1 1

(Asian <b>Games</b>) China, <b>Indonesia</b> take dragon boat gold medals <b>...</b>

Posted: 17 Nov 2010 05:05 PM PST

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Indonesia Raya di Podium Asian Games 2010

Posted: 17 Nov 2010 11:25 PM PST

Bendera Merah Putih berkibar dua kali di dermaga Danau Zengcheng sekitar pukul 12.30 waktu setempat, beberapa saat setelah 20 atlet Tim Indonesia mendapat pengalungan medali emas atas perjuangan mereka setengah jam sebelumnya.

Merah Putih juga berkibat sekitar setengah jam kemudian saat tim putri perahu naga Indonesia menerima pengalungan medali perak setelah "finish" di tempat kedua nomor 1.000 meter.

Indonesia meraih emas pertama Asian Games 2010, dari nomor yang pertama kali dipertandingkan pada "event" olahraga negara-negara se-Asia itu. Penantian Indonesia-pun akhirnya berakhir setelah emas pertama berhasil "disabet".

Pada cabang perahu naga itu, Indonesia juga berpeluang mendulang emas berikutnya karena masih akan bertanding untuk nomor 500 meter putra dan putri serta 250 meter putra dan putri.

Medali perak diraih oleh Myanmar dan perunggu oleh Korea Selatan. Pada nomor itu, Indonesia berhasil mempecundangi tuan rumah China yang lebih diunggulkan.

Pada bagian putri, Farida dkk terpaksa harus mengakui keunggulan China sehingga harus puas dengan medali perak setelah "finish" di peringkat kedua dengan catatan waktu empat menit, 14,590 detik.

China meraih emas dengan catatan wkatu tercepat 4:03.706 dan perunggu diraih Thailand dengan waktu 4:18.292.

Suka cita melanda kubu Indonesia yang langsung merayakan keberhasilan itu seusai pengalungan medali emas.

"Bersyukur kami bisa meraih medali emas di Asian Games, hari ini benar-benar istimewa karena bisa meraih emas pertama bagi Indonesia dan juga emas pertama Asian Games di nomor perahu naga," kata Jefry Siregar, salah seorang pedayung perahu naga Indonesia.

Seusai menerima medali emas, para atlet Indonesia yang mengenakan kostum putih garis merah tidak bisa menyembunyikan kegembiraan. Mereka saling berangkulan dan mengucapkan selamat.

"Ini benar-benar luar biasa, emas kami untuk rakyat Indonesia," kata Abdul Azis, "driver" tim perahu Naga Indonesia.

Mereka mengaku lega telah memberikan emas pertama bagi Indonesia. Keberhasilan perahu naga meraih medali bukan kejutan karena memang sudah ditargetkan sejak awal.

Sukses putra Indonesia di Asian Games 2010 ini merupakan raihan tertinggi selama ini yang dibukukan oleh tim Indonesia. Padahal sebelumnya tim putri justeru memiliki rekor menyapu bersih Asian Beach Games 2008 di Bali.

Sementara itu Pelaitih tim perahu naga Indonesia, Muhammad Suryadi menyebutkan motivasi atletnya sangat bagus , dan percaya diri yang luar biasa.

Padahal lawan yang dihadapinya cukup berat seperti Myanmar, Thailand dan tuan rumah China.

"Persaingan cukup ketat, dan Alhamdulillah akhirnya kita bisa mencatatkan yang terbaik baik di putra maupun putri, Kans kita lebih terbuka di nomor 500 meter dan 250 meter," kata M Supriadi.

Menurut Supriyadi, keberhasilan mengatasi tekanan saat lomba menjadi kunci bagi tim Indonesia. Ia menekankan pemainya untuk lepas tanpa terbebani apapun, termasuk seretnya medali emas.

"Motivasi mereka tetap terjaga, dan hasilnya maksimal," kata Supriyadi yang menyebutkan pengorbanan sekitar enam bulan Pelatnas akhirnya bisa mereka raih dengan hasil.

Sementara itu Ketua PODSI Ahmad Sucipto menyebutkan keberhasilan itu merupakan buah dari latihan yang dilskuksn selama ini.

"Hasil ini tidak mengagetkan karena memang kami pasang target di sini, ini nomor kita sejak dulu," kata Sutjipto. Sementara itu prestasi emas dan perak yang dicatat oleh tim perahu naga Indonsia dilakukan melalu pertarungan ketat. Tim putra Indonesia berhasil unggul dalam heat pertama. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan final yang diikuti oleh tim Myanmar, Koes Selatan, China, China Taipei dan Iran..

Tim Indonesia putra dengan driver Abdul Azis dan penabuh drum Ferota pada laga final langsung melejit meninggalkannya lawannya sejak start hingga ke garis "finish."

Abdul Azis dkk melakukan start lebih baik dan kayuhan yang rancak, meski sekitar setengah jam sebelumya juga turun pada babak pertama sebanyak satu heat.

Tim Indonesia unggul dengan selisih lebih dari satu detik di depan pedayung- pedayung Myanmar dan Korea. Indonesia tak terkejar hingga finish yang diikuti oleh enam peserta.

Peraih tiga medali emas Asian Beach Games 2008 di Bali juga , tim putri Indonesia harus puas di peringkat kedua.

"Kami senang bisa merah medali perak, inginnya memang emas namun inilah yang terbaik hari ini. Mudah-mudahan besok bisa lebih bagus," kata Farida, driver tim perahu naga Indonesia putri.

Indonesia Raih Emas Pertama

Posted: 17 Nov 2010 08:26 PM PST

Medali emas itu mengakhiri penantian panjang kontingen dan bangsa Indonesia untuk meraih medali emas Asian Games.

Dengan emas pertama tersebut, kini Indonesia mengumpulkan perolehan medali 1 emas, 2 perak, dan 8 perunggu dan kemungkinan akan naik dari posisi 17 ke 14 menggeser Vietnam apabila negara ini tidak juga meraih emas.


ASIAN GAMES: Akhirnya Indonesia Raih Emas Pertama

Posted: 17 Nov 2010 08:00 PM PST

TEMPO Interaktif, Guangzhou - Kontingen Indonesia akhirnya meraih medali emas pertama Asian Games 2010 dari cabang dragon boat nomor 1.000 meter putra di Dragon Boat Lake, Zengcheng, Cina, Kamis (18/11).

Medali emas itu mengakhiri penantian panjang kontingen dan bangsa Indonesia untuk meraih medali emas Asian Games.

Dengan emas pertama tersebut, kini Indonesia mengumpulkan perolehan medali 1 emas, 2 perak, dan 8 perunggu dan kemungkinan akan naik dari posisi 17 ke 14 menggeser Vietnam apabila negara ini tidak juga meraih emas.


ASIAN GAMES: Tim Voli Putra Indonesia Gagal ke Perempat Final

Posted: 17 Nov 2010 06:15 PM PST

TEMPO Interaktif, Guangzhou - Tim bola voli putra Indonesia gagal kedelapan besar meskipun berhasil memetik kemenangan 3-0 (25-22, 25-17, 25-16) atas Mongolia pada laga terakhir cabang bola voli Asian Games XVI di Zhongda Gymnasium, Rabu (17/11).

Dikutip dari situs resmi panitia penyelenggara Asian Games, gagalnya tim Merah Putih mencapai perempat final karena sehari sebelumnya Indonesia menyerah 0-3 dari Iran dan kalah 1-3 dari Arab Saudi. Sedangkan satu kemenangan lainnya 3-2 atas Turkmenistan pada laga pertama Sabtu lalu.

Dari hasil pertandingan lainnya Grup C, Arab Saudi menundukkan Turkmenistan 3-0 (25-18, 25-23, 25-22). Di Grup A Cina menundukkan Thailand 3-1 (25-19, 21-25, 25-22, 27-25).
Sedangkan di Grup B, Korea menaklukkan Kazakhstan 3-0 (25-16, 25-14, 25-22). Sementara di Grup D, Qatar vs Myanmar 3-0 (25-15, 25-18, 25-18) dan Jepang vs Hong Kong 3-0 (25-11, 25-16, 25-12).

Dihitung dari keseluruhan poin rasio hasil penampilannya di Guangzhou, tim Indonesia berada di peringkat ke-10 di bawah tim atlet Kuwait yang pada cabang ini menggunakan bendera Dewan Olimpiade Internasional (IOC).

Perolehan tim Merah Putih masih lebih baik dibanding Pakistan dan Kazakhstan sebagai tim yang sama-sama menempati peringkat ketiga di grup masing-masing. Sementara itu tim-tim yang berada di bawah Indonesia adalah Taipei, Vietnam, Turkmenistan, Mongolia, Myanmar, dan Hong Kong.


Indonesia Belum Gondol Emas Asian Games

Posted: 17 Nov 2010 09:40 AM PST

Guangzhou : Indonesia masih berada di peringkat 19 dengan perolehan sebanyak satu medali perak dan tujuh perunggu.

2011 Southeast Asian Games - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: 15 Nov 2010 10:46 PM PST

26th Southeast Asian Games
Nations participating 11
Athletes participating >6000 (estimated)
Events 44 sports (estimated)
Opening ceremony 11 November
Closing ceremony 25 November
Officially opened by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
President of Indonesia
Ceremony venue Gelora Sriwijaya Stadium, Palembang

The 26th Southeast Asian Games will be held in Palembang, Indonesia in 2011. This will be the fourth time that Indonesia will host the SEA Games. Indonesia last hosted the games in 1997.

The capital city of Jakarta has been the host of Southeast Asian Games for three times, namely in 1979, 1987, and 1997. Palembang will be the third SEA Games host city that is not the national capital, after Chiang Mai and Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.

ASIAN <b>GAMES</b> Day 1 – <b>Indonesia</b>, Korea, China and Thailand to scoop <b>...</b>

Posted: 13 Nov 2010 05:48 PM PST

The crowd had been already quite supportive with Chinese Taipei against Indonesia, but the usual Thomas Cup semi-finalists showed once again their strength. Taufik took a game to warm up and won the two next against Hsieh Yu Hsing. The expected clash between in-form Lee/Fang and Kido-Setiawan only lasted one game as the second game was suspenseless with a clear 21-9 win from the Indonesians after they had won the opener 21-19. Simon Santoso closed the deal in three games, sending Indonesia to the semi-final against China, who beat Hong Kong quite easily in three singles matches only – all in straight games.

Korea, on their end, might have to prepare differently from their expectations as they will take on Thailand instead of Malaysia in the other semi-final.

For complete Day One results, CLICK HERE


Posted: 13 Nov 2010 05:21 PM PST


In order to keep up with the time and challenges, MSBF Council had recently decided to open its memberships to all, covering an additional two new categories of memberships.

Apart from the Founder members and representative State Associations, there shall be a new category of Affiliate Members, consisting of individual snooker centres and clubs. Another category of Individual Members shall include anyone interested in the billiards sports.

It is to be noted that applicants for the above memberships are expressly confined to their entitlement to become a MSBF member, subject to one-off payment of entry fees and renewable annual subscription fees.

MSBF memberships shall be duly recognized by issuing thereto a valid membership certificate, earmarked with a serial number and its validity period.

Being a MSBF member, the registrant is entitled to consult MSBF on all matters concerning the billiards sports and its international connections, the standard procedures of organizing recognized local and international championships, inclusive of any assistance for soliciting participation of overseas players. Other benefits entails the provisions of qualified referees and coaches.

For full details please write or e-mail to MSBF General Manager, Patricia Kang.


Effective from December 15, 2010, Patricia Kang will be appointed full-time as Manager of MSBF.

Patricia needs no introduction as she has been MSBF Executive Secretary before and her association with the billiards sports spans over 20 years.

Any enquiry please contact her vide mobile 012-2780141.


The annual SUKMA Games which used to be hosted and organized by a designated has now changed its format being treated as a national event under the auspicious of the Sports Ministry and MSN.

Henceforth, the SUKMA Games will held annually in Kuala Lumpur allowing participation of every sport with half thereof being included in one SUKMA Games of the year while the other half in the ensuing SEA Games. In other words, no sport will be left out for staging in the SUKMA Games.

As the SUKMA Games is restricted to players not exceeding 23 years in age, and a minimum of 5 States participating, it is advised that all States shall now start promoting young players for the sport. This is understandable for without younger players there would be no succession plan for the future. Besides, for the billiards sports to excel, it has to start from the young and certainly not the present governing age of 18 and above.


OCA had decided to restrict its Summer Asian Games to only confine to 28 sports for staging which is in great contrast to the present Guangzhou 16th Asian Games for having 42 sports. The ration adopted by OCA is that the Asian Games over the years had become far too large and are costly to organize.

Apart from the mandatory swimming events, all water sports will be held within its Beach Games, like the upcoming series scheduled for Oman commencing from December 8 onwards.

The Billiards Sports which had hitherto been competed in the main Games held in Bangkok, Pusan, Doha and Guangzhou will be relegated to be included in the Asian Indoor Games.

Consequent thereto, the 17th Asian Games in Incheon (Korea) scheduled for 2014 shall be without the Billiards Sports.

ACBS is now fighting hard for billiards sports' reinstatement into the main Summer Asian Games; the chance of success, however, is slim at the moment. The inclusion of unauthorized sport events in the Billiards Sports is instrumental to such a disfavor, as the OCA follows closely with the Olympic Charter which disallows any inclusion of an artificial event for competition.


The 26th SEA Games shall be hosted by Indonesia next year with its Opening Ceremony now scheduled for November 11, 2011.

This time, the major city hosting the Games in Indonesia is Palembang in Sumatra, a city comprising some 7million population. Fortunately, as far as Malaysia is concerned, there is  a direct flight by Air Asia from Kuala Lumpur to Palembang.

The rest of the sports will be staged in Jakarta. Altogether 42 sports, including the billiards sports, will be staged, the events thereof shall be further decided at the next Council meeting now scheduled on December 4, 2010 in Bali.

The next SEAG Games after Indonesia will be hosted by Myanmar.


The 9th Biennial General Meeting shall be held at 6pm, December 17, 2010 at the National Training Centre, Penthouse, Casa One, National Sports Complex, Bt Jahlil, Kuala Lumpur.

A new Council shall be elected and or appointed into office for the ensuing term; there will be a considerable revamp in order to upgrade MSBF's functions to meet the expanded requirements of the billiards sports especially in the running of business by snooker centres and clubs at large.

Anyone interested to contribute any service to the MSBF may submit their names with credentials to the General Manager. The decision thereof shall be made by the Executive Board and thereafter the applicant concerned will be informed.

Likewise, any snooker centre wishing to host tournaments can notify their intent to the General Manager. Furthermore, any snooker centre wanting to host or sponsor MSBF's annual National Championships may do likewise.

The Year of 2011 will register MSBF with new energy and determination to implement better and more effective the development of the sport. This should augur well with private centres that will benefit in their business operations and at the same time to help source new talents to take over the aging seniors.

ASIAN <b>GAMES</b> Day 1 – Double success for Thailand

Posted: 13 Nov 2010 06:06 AM PST

Thais were heroes of the day with two upsets in both the men's and women's team competition at the Guangzhou Asian Games.  Salakjit Ponsana led her team-mates to victory over Japan while her brother Boonsak and his friends made it historical for Thailand, ending a 30-year unbeaten record against Malaysia.

By Raphael Sachetat, live from Guangzhou. Photos: Badmintonphoto (live)

It might have been the last match and the Tian He stadium might have been deserted by most of its spectators – China having beaten Hong Kong in no time 3-0 – there was a lot of noise coming from the stands. The whole Thailand team was cheering for its 20-year-old rookie Suppanyu Avihingsanon (pictured), who was about to conclude the biggest upset of the day: Thailand was 2-2 against Malaysia in the overall tie, with one game up for their team-mate against another rookie – Darren Liew who, however had much more pressure to cope with, Malaysia being expected to reach the semi-final stage.

From the body language of the two players, the outcome was clear. Liew's shoulders were down while his opponent had his head up, all fired up after each point, helped by the loud cheer and dancing from his team mates. In straight games, it was all over, 21-16, 21-16 for the Thai, putting Malaysia to shame.

Asian <b>Games</b> tennis: Indian women lose to <b>Indonesia</b> | Sports

Posted: 13 Nov 2010 02:09 AM PST

Guangzhou, Nov 13 - Indian women were outclassed 0-3 by Indonesia in the first round of team event of the Asian Games tennis competition here Saturday. Poojashree Venkatesha and Niripuma Sanjeev were handed a straight sets defeat in the ...

Game Indonesia - on-line Games - Permainan Komputer

Posted: 11 Nov 2010 12:57 PM PST

STARTindonesia: links to Indonesian and international online games

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