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On Rabu, 01 September 2010 0 komentar

top games Promosi SEA Games 2011 Lewat Glory of Sriwijaya

Promosi SEA Games 2011 Lewat Glory of Sriwijaya

Posted: 01 Sep 2010 10:39 AM PDT

Palembang - Negara dari empat benua dijadwalkan hadir dalam pagelaran seni 'Glory of Sriwijaya'. Ini menjadi ajang mempromosikan SEA Games XXVI tahun 2011, di Jakarta 5 November 2011 mendatang.

"Pergelaran seni ini, diagendakan KONI pusat guna memperkenalkan daerah-daerah yang menjadi tuan rumah. Namun sempat tertunda. Makanya kita agendakan pada 5 November nanti," jelas Wakil Ketua Umum Biro Hubungan Masyarakat KONI Sumsel, Asdit Abdullah di Palembang, Rabu (01/9/2011), di kantornya, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Palembang.

Adapun negara yang diundang adalah 11 negara peserta SEA Games, Kemudian, negara-negara benua Eropa, Asia, Ameria, dan Australia diantaranya, Prancis, Inggris, Amerika Serikat, Belanda, Australia, dan Jerman, China, dan Korea.

Pergelaran seni ini memang sudah lama diagendakan oleh KONI Pusat guna memperkenalkan daerah-daerah yang menjadi tuan rumah. Hanya saja sempat ditunda mengingat sebelumnya wacana tuan rumah SEA Games di empat provinsi.

Menurut Asdit, pagelaran seni yang direncanakan digelar di Hotel Sahid Jakarta itu, KONI Sumsel akan menggunakan jasa dari konsultan teknis acara pembukaan dan penutupan SEA Games Denny Malik. Setelah promosi di Indonesia, maka tahap selanjutnya akan digelar promosi ke setiap negara peserta SEA Games dalam bentuk acara road show.

"Sumsel tetap akan mengusung tema "Glory Of Sriwijaya"," jelas Asdit.

Seperti diketahui, usai ditetapkan Presiden RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono bahwa tuan rumah SEA Games adalah Sumsel dan DKI Jakarta maka pergelaran seni untuk mempromosikan SEA Games dapat digelar di Indonesia.

"Bukan hanya kita saja yang akan menampilkan kesenian daerah pada pergelaran itu, tapi DKI Jakarta juga," kata dia.

KONI Sumsel memakai tema pergelaran seni itu dengan nama "Glory of Sriwijaya" karena konsep ini menjadi alternatif pada acara pembukaan dan penutupan SEA Games di Sumsel. Konsep Glory of Sriwijaya menjadi salah satu pilihan untuk ditampilkan pada acara pembukaan dan penutupan. "Jadi terasa pas jika pada tahap awal di perkenalkan di pergelaran nanti," tegasnya.

( key / arp )

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18 Pebolavoli Ikuti Pelatnas di Sentul

Posted: 01 Sep 2010 08:09 AM PDT

Sudah 30.261 Calhaj Lunasi ONH

JAKARTA (Pos Kota) – Pelunasan BPIH (Biaya Penyelenggaraan

SEA Games, Sumsel Tak Kecewa Batal Gelar Wushu

Posted: 01 Sep 2010 02:35 AM PDT

Ketua Pengprov Wushu Sumsel Ahmad Yani di Palembang, Rabu, menilai keputusan dari panitia besar SEA Games (SEAG) yang mengalihkan tempat pelaksanaan cabang olahraga wushu ke DKI Jakarta adalah keputusan tepat.

"Memang Sumsel belum siap jadi tuan rumah wushu. Jakarta memang jauh lebih siap dalam segi sarana dan prasarana," kata A Yani.

Yani, sapaan Ahmad Yani, menerangkan, meskipun Pemerintah Provinsi Sumsel menyatakan siap menyediakan fasilitas bertaraf internasional, namun dari segi Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) dan atlet, Sumsel belum bisa diandalkan.

Dia tak menampik, atlet-atlet wushu Sumsel kini kurang bersaing di tingkat nasional, khususnya untuk kelas senior.

"Beberapa tahun lalu, atlet-atlet kita dapat berbicara di tingkat nasional dengan menjadi juara PON. Bahkan sempat beberapa kali menjadi penghuni pelatnas SEA Games. Namun, kini para atlet senior kita sudah beralih profesi menjadi pelatih," kata dia.

Dia menambahkan, kemungkinan Sumsel akan berbicara lagi dikancah nasional di kelompok senior pada tiga atau empat tahun ke depan.

Semula Sumsel dipercaya menjadi tuan rumah cabang olahraga wushu saat wacana SEAG di empat provinsi. Namun setelah ditetapkan SEAG digelar di Sumsel dan DKI Jakarta, cabang olahraga wushu dialihkan ke DKI Jakarta.

Sumsel dipercaya menyelenggarakan 21 cabang olahraga, sementara DKI Jakarta 23 cabang olahraga.

SEA Games, Sumsel Siapkan Dua Tempat Penunjuk Waktu

Posted: 01 Sep 2010 02:35 AM PDT

Kepala Bidang Informasi Pembangunan PU Cipta Karya Sumsel Aminuddin di Palembang, Rabu, mengatakan, alternatif pilihan itu yakni di tengah-tengah Jembatan Ampera, dan di pangkal Jembatan Ampera yang menuju arah ke Komplek Olahraga Jakabaring Palembang.

"Sekarang sedang dianalisa yang lebih baik dan efektif ditempatkan dimana. Dalam waktu dekat akan diputuskan," kata dia.

Dia menerangkan, jam perhitungan waktu SEA Games itu merupakan sumbangan dari produk jam ternama Omega.

"Pemasangan jam itu, terbilang sulit dari segi konstruksi karena ukuran dan beratnya yang terbilang besar. Sehingga harus dipertimbangkan secara matang karena menyangkut juga keselamatan," kata dia.

Dia menerangkan, jika dipasang di tengah-tengah pilar Jembatan Ampera maka harus disediakan dua buah jam, yakni untuk dari seberang ulu dan seberang ilir jembatan.

Sementara jika ditempatkan di pangkal Jembatan Ampera, akan ditempatkan di sisi kiri jembatan yang biasa digunakan untuk meletakkan televisi display.

Jam perhitungan mundur waktu SEA Games tahun 2011, akan diaktifkan tepat satu tahun menjelang pelaksanaan ajang olahraga dua tahunan itu, yakni pada 11 November 2010.

Menurut Ketua Umum KONI Sumsel H Muddai Madang yang diwawancarai dalam kesempatan berbeda mengatakan, pengaktifan jam perhitungan mundur SEA Games itu akan ditandai dengan acara launching resmi.

KONI Pikirkan Adakan PON Remaja

Posted: 31 Aug 2010 10:25 PM PDT

Sudah 30.261 Calhaj Lunasi ONH

JAKARTA (Pos Kota) – Pelunasan BPIH (Biaya Penyelenggaraan

Harian Seputar Indonesia, Sumber Referensi Terpercaya

Posted: 31 Aug 2010 01:01 PM PDT

JAKARTA (SINDO) – Komite Olimpiade Indonesia (KOI) tengah sibuk mempersiapkan diri mengikuti multievent Asian Beach Games (ABG) di Muscat, Oman, 8–16 Desember 2010.

Main Games - Direktori Games Online Indonesia Terbesar ...

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 02:30 AM PDT

Main Games - Direktori Games Internet Online Indonesia Terbesar Gratis - Play Free Flash Arcade RPG Game

Traditional Children's Games in Indonesia - games played by ...

Posted: 29 Aug 2010 06:38 PM PDT

Traditional toys that Indonesian children play with! ... In this age of electronic games and hi tech toys, we often forget that it is often the simplest of inventions that can ...

Devil May Cry 5 Akan Muncul di TGS -

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 05:59 PM PDT

Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 2 to be resource, integer given in /home/sloki/user/h73253/sites/ on line 83. Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 2 ...

Review <b>Game</b> Online Point Blank <b>Indonesia</b> | Blognya Sanjaya Pinem

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 02:38 AM PDT

Well, if your computer is already sufficient for the specifications please download the games Point Blank Online Indonesia, free, or directly into the mirror if the first download did not work. If there must be an online-based game ...

Indonesian Kids' Games |

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 04:48 AM PDT

Download Point Blank Online <b>Indonesia</b>

Posted: 20 Aug 2010 02:57 AM PDT

Point Blank is a genre of computer games were played online FPS. The game was developed by Zepetto from South Korea and published by NCSoft. Besides South Korea, this game has their own servers in Thailand, Russia, and Indonesia. In Indonesia, the game is managed by PT. Kreon. Point Blank is about the feud between the Free Rebels and the government in this case Counter Terrorist Force (CT-Force). Origins of this feud is the increasing number of immigrants who do not get a job and expelled from the community. So to survive, the immigrants do various crimes, such as: robbery to drug trafficking. Over time this activity is increasingly organized to form an organization called the Free Rebels. Due to conflicts with immigrants increasingly widespread, the government formed an organization to monitor, supervise and look for the presence of terrorists called Free Rebels. The organization is called Counter Terrorist Force (CT-Force).

This one game called Point Blank, or PB, this game is popular in Indonesia. Is an online game system using a server provided by gemscool. Here we will have a character who has the rank attack at the start of the low. If later on we often win will get additional points and will boost our ranks. The higher the rank of the character we are more powerful, better than a good gun and shot accuracy.

Incoming search terms for the article:

Empire Heroes Online <b>Game Indonesia</b>

Posted: 06 Jul 2010 12:00 AM PDT

Empire Heroes is one of the online game coming soon in Indonesia. This web-based game is claimed to have interesting storylines that light, so that could be played by gamers of all ages. Empire Heroes take on the story of the medieval past, ie the time when the world still inhabited by many kinds of races. Because of the greed of the power of extraordinary Crystal Magic, eventually occurs with prolonged major war between the races in the Empire Heroes.

Empire Heroes Game Online, There are few nations in the Empire Heroes. For the sake of its own, established a form of communion between peoples Devil, Merman, and the Harpy called the Devil Union to destroy the Human race, orcs, and elves.

Empire Heroes World ruled by Devil nation. Now, players will lead the troops and the town to face the Devil Union and overthrow the existing government. Gamers will act as a leader in a city and demanded to stay afloat while continuing to develop the area in preparation for war against Devil Union.

There are three nations that can be played at the Empire Heroes, among others:

Human Nations
The Human is the nation with the highest population in the continental Empire. With intelligent thoughts, they become powerful and has influence over other nations. But the complicated ideology has brought this nation in conflicts and problems, and endless war.

Orc Nations
Born in the most harsh continental climate, Tonatyw, the Orcs prepare their holy land in the desert oasis Oakgov. Long history of Orcs who have struggled in their harsh natural environment, has made them trained in self-defense so do not be surprised if the orcs more emphasis on physical strength than the magic of technology.

Elf Nations
Weak physical strength does not create Elf nation that underestimated existence. With a strong spiritual power, they use more magic in their life. Some Elf communities go to the continent south Backland for shelter and some others stayed in the main continent.

Interested play it? Web game as publisher Empire Heroes in Indonesia will be launched officially at the beginning of this August 2010.

Share <b>Games</b> | Top 40 best free BlackBerry <b>games</b> « Blackberry <b>...</b>

Posted: 22 Jun 2009 12:00 AM PDT

We've gathered up 40 different games which are perfect for the BlackBerry and all the varied tastes of those who own them. Race around in a taxi picking up fares, shoot some monsters, pop some bubbles… there's something here for all ...

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