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On Senin, 30 Agustus 2010 0 komentar

top games Ada Lima Cabang Tambahan

Ada Lima Cabang Tambahan

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 03:23 PM PDT

jakarta, kompas - Ketua Bidang Pengembangan Olahraga Komite Olimpiade Indonesia Djoko Pramono memastikan, Indonesia menambah lima cabang olahraga yang akan diikuti di Asian Games 2010. Lima cabang itu terdiri atas empat cabang tambahan yang diusulkan Satuan Pelaksana Program Indonesia Emas (Satlak Prima) sebagai hasil rapat, Rabu (18/8), dan satu cabang yang mengusulkan diri ikut berangkat sejak awal pendaftaran. ...

Kejuaraan Dunia, Refleksi Peluang di Asian Games

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 03:22 PM PDT

Dominasi China dan kegagalan Indonesia di Kejuaraan Dunia Bulu Tangkis di Paris, Perancis, sepertinya langsung merefleksikan hasil Asian Games yang akan berlangsung di Guangzhou, China, November mendatang. Para pemain China masih terlalu kuat dan harapan Indonesia untuk bisa mencuri medali emas rasanya sulit terwujud. ...

Harian Seputar Indonesia, Sumber Referensi Terpercaya

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 01:05 PM PDT

Dukung Pengusaha Online Berkembang PDF Print
Monday, 30 August 2010

SPARX Up Awards menjadi angin segar di tengah tingginya entrepreneur media online di Indonesia. Ajang ini ditujukan bagi para digital start up yang masih kesulitan dalam hal permodalan dan pengembangan. Para penggiat dunia onlinebukan hanya mendapatkan bantuan materiil,melainkan juga soft skill.


Sparx Up Awards lahir berkat kerja sama berbagai industri online dengan, situs sosial media dari Indonesia. Melalui kegiatan ini, mereka ingin merintis sebuah gerakan kultur internet yang memberikan apresiasi untuk para founder berbakat.

Ditemani dengan dan Semut Api Colony, Sparx Up Awards berharap dapat menjadi langkah awal dalam geliat industri media online di Indonesia. "Sparx Up adalah sebuah cultural movement untuk para enterpreneurIndonesia yang siap mengubah dunia. Indonesia selama ini dipandang sebelah mata,namun belakangan mulai menjadi pusat perhatian sampai ke Silicon Valley,Amerika," ujar Rama Mamuaya, CEO Daily, di Jakarta, Selasa (24/8). "Kini saatnya kita mengubah Indonesia dari sekadar konsumen menjadi produsen layanan bermutu yang tidak kalah dengan Silicon Valley," tambah Rama. Dia juga mengungkap, para pemenang nantinya akan mendapat pelatihan khusus dari penyelenggara, termasuk dukungan infrastruktur dari Microsoft ataupun Google.

"Ini tak lain karena melihat potensi yang sangat tinggi dari berbagai website bagus dan unik yang ada di Indonesia tapi tidak terdengar,"tambah Rama. Event ini akan dilaksanakan mulai Juli hingga Oktober 2010 untuk persiapan praacara. Sementara November, merupakan waktu pe-ngumuman pemenang. "Empat elemen utama yang akan dinilai para juri mencakup Future Plan, Concept, Expandability, dan Uniqeness. Nantinya para founder juga diminta untuk mempresentasikan hasil karya mereka di depan para juri dan hadirin yang datang di puncak acara," jelas Herman Kwok, Chief Marketing Officer Semut Api Colony.

Sebanyak 300 orang yang menjadi target peserta akan dipilih 24 orang sebagai pemenangnya.Masing- masing pemenang terbagi dalam delapan kategori, yaitu Best Social Networking, Best Use of Technology, Best e-commerce, Best Games,Best User Generated Content,Best Portal,Best Mobile, dan Best WAP. Mereka akan mendapat kesempatan memakai semua software yang dimiliki Microsoft dan bantuan iklan di Google. Dari 24 pemenang itu, akan dipilih dua pemenang utama dan mendapatkan uang tunai Rp100 juta.

Nantinya, lanjut Rama, Sparx Up Awards juga akan mengadakan roadshow ke beberapa komunitas dan Universitas di Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta,Surabaya,serta beberapa kota lainnya. Roadshow tersebut dimaksudkan untuk mengajak para mahasiswa mewujudkan ide mereka menjadi nyata. Selain roadshow, wokshop dan seminar terkait media online pun akan digelar.

"Hal ini bertujuan agar start up company yang berpartisipasi mendapatkan ilmu yang berguna, sekaligus bimbingan seputar teknologi," tutur Edi Taslim,Business General Manager Menurut Edi, event ini bukan hanya ajang bersaing untuk mendapatkan piala, melainkan juga pengetahuan, rekanan yang relevan, serta modal untuk mengembangkan layanan para entrepreneur muda ini menjadi lebih besar. "Pentingnya acara ini semakin terlihat dari banyaknya partner yang memberi dukungan, karena acara ini lahir dari sebuah semangat kebersamaan untuk mengubah masa depan Indonesia," tambah Edi. (rabiah al adawiyah)


KOI Tambah Lima Cabor AG

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 01:01 PM PDT

JAKARTA (SINDO) – Komite Olimpiade Indonesia (KOI) membuat keputusan baru menjelang tampil di Asian Games (AG) 2010. Mereka memasukkan tambahan lima cabang olahraga (cabor) untuk mengikuti multievent empat tahunan tersebut.

<b>Indonesia</b> at the Headquarters Selecao « Sports and <b>Games</b>

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 02:53 AM PDT

After passing through obstacles in Jakarta, the School Gate Nike Cup championship in Jakarta in 2010 can feel the facilities and the Brazilian national team training program at Granja Comary, Rio de Janeiro, Friday (6 / 8). They are the lucky six Indonesian men from the 300 participants of the championship team. According to the organizers promise, the winner is entitled to fly to Brazil and trained at the headquarters Selecao.

Together with a similar championship winners from Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand, representatives of Indonesia underwent an exercise program like a professional football player. Wilson Junior and guided coach Luiz Carlos, participants are taught how to start the exercises correctly, control the ball that starts from the table tennis ball, to work together in the game. “It felt tired, but this opportunity may never come a second time. Who would not want to practice commonly used in place of Roberto Carlos, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Kaka prepared to defend Brazil?” diamini Fernando Galang said that his colleagues. With a location at an altitude of 1200 meters and the cold air reaches 11 degrees centigrade when starting the exercise, it must overcome obstacles stamina. Taking flight about 23 hours, plus transit in Doha (Qatar) and Sao Paulo, the cold air in the Granja Comary could dampen the spirit. But to realize such a golden opportunity, all obstacles can be marginalized. Yes, children deserve jealous Indonesia saw the opportunity provided troops Gate School, 50 East Jakarta high school dropout. Not only in the Granja Comary, in the program until Tuesday (11 / 8) of this they can feel how Brazil kids learn to play futsal and treating the skin of the round on the sand beaches of Rio de Janeiro.

Hopefully, after returning from Brazil, the sixth son of Indonesia who are lucky this could tell and exchange experiences with colleagues about how to train and play football in the style of the champion. As coordinator of the event, Marcelo Nogueira, football for Brazilians like religion, there is love and the sanctity of the play.

Tags: Kaka, Malaysia, Roberto Carlos, Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Singapore, Thailand
Category : Football

KOI Putuskan Lima Cabor Tambahan

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 07:23 AM PDT

JAKARTA - Komite Olimpiade Indonesia (KOI) membuat keputusan baru menjelang keikutsertaan Merah Putih di Asian Games (AG) 2010. Mereka memasukkan daftar lima cabang olahraga (cabor) tambahan mengikuti multievent empat tahunan tersebut.

Ketua Sport Development KON/KOI Djoko Pramono mengatakan, penambahan lima cabor itu adalah sofbol putri, voli indoor putra, biliar (2 atlet putra), tinju (2 atlet putra dan putri), dan menembak (3 atlet).

Menurutnya, keputusan penambahan jumlah cabor itu setelah melalui berbagai pertimbangan sebelumnya. Pihaknya mengacu kepada tiga poin utama, yakni berpeluang meraih medali, peringkat terbaik di Asia, hingga pemilihan standar seperti lolos kualifikasi AG di Guangzhou, China, November mendatang.

Penambahan jumlah itu membuat kuota Kontingen Indonesia, khususnya cabor yang akan diikuti di AG mengalami peningkatan. Jika sebelumnya Indonesia akan mengikuti 20 cabor, maka akan menjadi 25 cabor di multievent tersebut.

Meski demikian, pihaknya ingin kelima cabor itu segera mengirim entry form by number secepatnya. Pihaknya memberi deadline kepada otoritas olahraga yang ditunjuk segera mengirim data atlet paling lama tiga hari atau Jumat (3/9/2010) setelah keputusan kemarin.

“Kami ingin mereka ingin segera melengkapi registrasi untuk segera didaftarkan secepatnya,” imbuh Djoko, Senin (30/8/2010).

Selain itu, Djoko menambahkan dana yang dipersiapkan untuk membiayai Kontingen Indonesia ke AG tahun ini otomatis bertambah. Jika pihaknya menafsir sekira Rp15 miliar untuk 20 cabor (313 orang), maka pihaknya membutuhkan sedikitnya Rp18 miliar untuk 25 cabor (361 orang).

“Dana kekurangan sebesar Rp3 miliar jangan terlalu dibesarkan, karena kami belum menyerahkan flat form kepada pemerintah. Lebih baik mementingkan kesiapan atlet menjelang beberapa bulan menghadapi multievent tersebut,” tegasnya.(Edi Yulianto/Koran SI/far)

<b>Game</b> Announcement : The Animal Hunt Is On in <b>Indonesia</b> | Boardgame <b>...</b>

Posted: 29 Aug 2010 10:49 PM PDT

Igramoon Spieleverlag is a new publisher that will launch its debut effort – Expedition Sumatra – at Spiel 2010. Here's a game description from the publisher:

On behalf of the most famous zoological gardens of the Western world, a few teams of big game hunters have set out to the jungle of Sumatra to catch some nearly extinct species for the benefit of posterity. While the black market also lures sellers with attractive prices, the inhabitants of the island have a say in the matter as well.

Expedition Sumatra is a family game that leads the players into the dense primeval forest of this Indonesian island. By cleverly flipping and rotating the path tiles, they have to build new roads through the jungle, track down rare animals and load them onto their ships, which circle around the island.

Like the vegetation in a jungle, the board of Expedition Sumatra is constantly changing its appearance: old paths vanish while new ones appear, as the players search for animals hidden in the forest. And each tile that is flipped raises the question anew: Will the hunt be successful, or will there be only deserted paths or possibly even a native lurking, ready to take the hard-won animals back to the jungle?

Play Online Roulette | Blogger <b>Indonesia</b> Di Persimpangan WordPress

Posted: 29 Aug 2010 06:41 PM PDT

The people who’ve learnt about roulette via the television or the movies, who like the idea of it because they associate it with a glamorous environment, inhabited with beautiful, dangerous people, are not exactly the ones likely to make the effort to hunt up and visit a ‘real’ casino-it just doesn’t fit in with their lives. However, if they spend a significant amount of time on the internet, they are very likely to come cross the phenomenon of line online roulette gambling. After Ashley Revell’s daring gamble with the entirety of his savings, and proportionately-spectacular win, it’s very likely a lot of people are Search in wiki the rules of best online roulette and googling online roulette every night after all Revell is living proof you can gamble hard and win big, and all of it on the internet.

Online roulette is part of the recent upsurge of online dealer games, and Revell’s little miracle-win has done a lot to prompt further interest. So, what is real dealer roulette? It’s the newest avatar of internet roulette, but unlike earlier versions, this does not dimply involve the images of the game being played on your screen, or even a 3d animated Dealer-real dealer roulette, as the name implies, involves a real dealer, and the game is made to look and sound and feel like the environment in a ‘real’ casino; it’s fascinating to see how far technology has evolved that this can be done convincingly.

If you enter an online casino gaming site the table which has lot of visitors is surely will be the Roulette table. This game is one of the trendy and attention grabbing gambling games in the entire casino gambling entertainment world. The reason behind the popularity of the online roulette is that even a novice can play the roulette very well and also you can have different choices of betting. Roulette doesn’t require highly skilled experts to play it and also there is no strategy to play this game online. Winning or losing is purely concerned with the players luck.

This game is very too easy to master it and it has no hidden secret in it. And also you can bet on the red colored numbers, black colored numbers, even numbers, odd numbers and the options for betting is numerous. So it increases your probability of luck to win the round. Now you can figure out how simple is this best online roulette game and also you can deduce the reason for the popularity for this game in the online gambling world.

Main Games Online Gratis - Play Free Arcade RPG Flash ...

Posted: 28 Aug 2010 02:18 AM PDT

Main Games Online Gratis - Play Free Arcade RPG Flash - Game Internet Indonesia

Point Blank <b>Game</b> Online Point Blank <b>Indonesia</b>

Posted: 20 Aug 2010 03:15 AM PDT

Point Blank Game adalah salah satu Game Online  Indonesia yang paling laku saat ini. Game Point Blank, begitu menarik dan membuat kita merasa penasaran uantuk main Point Blank sepanjang hari. Walaupunbegitu banyaknya Game Online Terbaru yang hadir serta rilis tahun 2010 ini. Namun Point Blank, sebagai Game Online belum bisa ada yang menggantikan posisi dan kedudukannya di hati para gamers.

In external ballistics, point-blank range is the distance between a firearm and a target of a given size such that the bullet in flight is expected to strike the target without adjusting the elevation of the firearm. The point-blank range will vary with the firearm and its particular ballistic characteristics, as well as the target chosen. A firearm with a flatter trajectory will permit a nearer minimum and further maximum point blank range for a given target size, while a larger target will allow for a longer point blank range for a given firearm.

In forensics and popular usage, point-blank range has come to mean extreme close range (i.e., target within about a meter (3 ft) of the muzzle at moment of discharge but not close enough to be an actual contact shot). Gunshot wounds from point-blank are identified by extensive powder burns as well as tissue damage from perforation by unburned grains of gunpowder

The term point blank range is of French origin. The center of a target was once a small white spot and the French for white is blanc, and aim is point. The term therefore means "aim at the center of the target." [2]

The term originated with the techniques used to aim muzzleloading cannon. The barrels of the cannon tapered down from breech to muzzle, so that when the top of the cannon was held horizontal, the bore actually sat at an elevated angle. In addition, the firing of the gun caused the muzzle to elevate slightly due to recoil, and this would result in an upward movement by the shot even in a cylindrical cannon. This caused the shot to rise above the natural line of sight very soon after leaving the muzzle, and later dropping below the line of sight due to the curved trajectory of the shot.

By firing a given projectile and charge in the cannon, the distance at which the shot fell below the bottom of the bore could be measured. This distance was considered the point blank range. Any target within the point blank range required the gun to be depressed; any target beyond the point blank range required the gun to be elevated, up to the angle of greatest range, which happens somewhat before 45 degrees of elevation.

The point blank range varies significantly with not only the ballistics of the gun, but also its shape, as it is shape that determines the natural line of sight on which point blank range is based. Various cannon of the 19th century had point blank ranges from 250 yards (12 lb howitzer, 0.595 lb (0.270 kg) powder charge) to nearly 1075 yards (30 lb carronade, solid shot, 3.53 lb (1.60 kg) powder charge).

Small arms are often sighted-in so that the sight line and bullet path are within a certain acceptable margin out to the longest possible range, called the maximum point blank range. The range of distance inside the maximum point blank range is greatly dependent on the external ballistics of the cartridge in question; high velocity rounds have long point blank ranges, while slow rounds have much shorter point blank ranges. Other factors in the point blank range are the target size (which determines how far above and below the line of sight the trajectory may deviate), the height of the sights, and an acceptable drop before a shot is ineffective.

Maximum point blank range for hunting
A large target, like the vitals area of a deer, allows a deviation of a few inches (as much as 10 cm) while still ensuring a quickly disabling hit. A varmint such as a prairie dog requires a much smaller deviation, less than an inch (about 2 cm). The height of the sights has two effects on point blank range. If the sights are lower than the allowable deviation, then point blank range starts at the muzzle, and any difference between the sight height and the allowable deviation is lost distance that could have been in point blank range. Higher sights, up to the maximum allowable deviation, push the maximum point blank range further from the gun. Sights that are higher than the maximum allowable deviation push the start of the point blank range out from the gun; this is quite common on varmint rifles, where close shots are never made, as it places the point blank range out to the expected range of the targets.

Maximum point blank range for military use
This sight setting for maximum point blank range is also referred to in the military as Battle Zero. Soldiers are instructed to fire at any target within this range by simply placing the sights on the center of mass of the enemy target. Any errors in range estimation are tactically irrelevant as a well-aimed shot will hit the torso of the enemy soldier. The current trend for elevated sights and higher velocity cartridges in assault rifles is in part due to a desire to extend the maximum point blank range, which makes the rifle easier to use.

Calculating point-blank range
A projectile falls due to gravity once it leaves a weapon barrel. All objects at
the same geographic location fall with the same acceleration, denoted g, roughly 9.8 m/s² (32 ft/s²). Velocity is a vector; the vertical component of any projectile's velocity can be treated separately from the horizontal component. If the barrel is horizontal and at height h above the ground, then Newton's Equations of Motion can be used to show that the range is approximately \scriptstyle v \sqrt\frac{2h}{g}, where v is the muzzle velocity. This calculated range is reduced by air resistance. The air resistance depends on at least the frontal area of the projectile, the drag coefficient, air density and obviously the speed of the projectile -- making the problem a differential equation.

Play Online Slot Machine <b>Games</b> | Blogger <b>Indonesia</b> Di Persimpangan <b>...</b>

Posted: 18 Aug 2010 07:32 PM PDT

Did you ever play the game slot? Slot machine games is a very easy game to play. You only have to press buttons on a slot machine and when all the scrolls show the same image or number, you can win the jackpot. Usually, if you're about to make the jackpot, you will also get prizes, but the amount is quite small. Slot machines games can actually be defined as one casino game which of course you'll find in any type of casinos throughout the world. Very easy to play slot games to play, but it takes luck to win it. So, you always want to play slot machine games over and over because one or two times playing it will not be enough for anybody.

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Empire Heroes <b>Indonesia</b>, New <b>Game</b> Online 2010

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 10:44 PM PDT

» Blogger News » Game » Empire Heroes Indonesia, New Game Online 2010

Download Point Blank <b>Indonesia</b> | Mileniatech Blog's

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 11:57 AM PDT

Download Point Blank Indonesia as one of the best selling game gemscool the number of users increases over time this became an idol every gamers in Indonesia , from the children – children up to adults who idolized many point blank this game . Well for you who want to try this game its no good to follow How to Download Point Blank Indonesia below to learn more about this game .

Point Blank Indonesia

point blank indonesia

1. Press twice in PB shortcut icon on your desktop.
2. The system then asks you to wait until the launcher prepared.
3. Once the window launcher ready , press UPDATE .
4. Let the update process is running ( if any) , through to completion .
5. When the update process is complete then the button you press the UPDATE that had to be turned into your START button . Press START .
6. After that will appear the message “Please click the button Check ” . Please click OK and click CHECK button .
7. Once finished checking the file , then you should press the START button again and began to enter into the login screen . Please note that checks can be done anytime, and are required to do so after you install the game or after the update process from the server Point Blank .
8. Please start the game Point Blank is available Online so the login screen . Good luck

To be able to play Game point blank surely you must have a Client terbih first click here Download Point Blank Indonesia Full Client with file size 465 MB. Good luck and see point blank cash cheat to simply have fun playing along with tips on point blank for more add color to your playing .

About Learning Indonesian Games |

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 11:07 AM PDT

<b>Games</b>: traditional vs. modern <b>Indonesia</b> Know It Love It <b>Games</b> <b>...</b>

Posted: 15 Aug 2010 03:01 PM PDT

free internet <b>games</b> - Jakarta, <b>Indonesia</b> Travel Blog

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 06:04 PM PDT

free internet games: Read the story and see photos of a visit to Jakarta, Indonesia by TravelPod member intgem.

Online Casino <b>Games</b> | Blogger <b>Indonesia</b> Di Persimpangan WordPress

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 12:00 AM PST

There are many people who are interested to play online casino games. Some of them are aware of the games they like whereas others are fond of playing the online games that they can avail in a casino they find. In this article you will learn about the various type of casino games that are commonly played in casinos. If you’re looking for the same kind of excitement and chances to win big money online as you’ll find in real casinos in glamorous places such as Las Vegas and Monte Carlo but you don’t live anywhere near those places casino games online is an alternative you may wish to consider.

Some online casinos will give you free bonus money that can be used for playing free games. This is a great offer that you definitely need to check out, especially if you plan to play a lot. Casino games on the internet all pretty much have the same rules as they do in land based casinos. Unlike in land based casinos, however, the house has less of an edge with most online games. If you want something that involves skill and strategy, then you should check out online slots tournaments. There are some opportunities to win huge prizes here and there, so if you consider yourself to be a good slots player, you should check the tournaments out. Sometimes the prize is a free entry into a larger tournament.

This is another lively game, mostly played by people who just want to spend some time relaxing and refreshing. The online slots wheel is generally crowded, where a ball is rolled in after spinning online slots wheel. This wheel is divided into either 37 or 38 sections, sometimes including a single zero and sometimes including double zeros. The croupier announces the winning number by placing a dolly. Though it is a noisy game, still it is enjoyed by each player. These are just few casino online games that I have listed on the basis of their popularity. However, there are many such games that might be your favorite.

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