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On Senin, 12 Juli 2010 0 komentar

top games Shoot the Stars - Free <b>Games</b> at <b>Games</b>

Shoot the Stars - Free <b>Games</b> at <b>Games</b>

Posted: 12 Jul 2010 05:19 PM PDT

Kid's coloring: The Peacock Kid's coloring: The Peacock is free coloring game for you. Balap Capres Indonesia 2009. Para capres Indonesia 2009 mengadakan tes kesehatan dengan balap sepeda. Sponsors ...

Lengserkan Posisi Riedl

Posted: 12 Jul 2010 06:05 PM PDT

Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

Lengserkan Posisi Riedl

PSSI Jajaki Fatih Terim

JAKARTA. Rencana perekrutan pelatih anyar bagi Timnas Indonesia benar-benar mengancam Alfred Riedl. Pelatih asal Austria tersebut bisa jadi bakal mendapat pos yang lebih rendah dari posisinya saat ini sebagai arsitek Timnas senior. Riedl bakal dilengserkan ke timnas U-23.
"Dia (Riedl) akan kami fokuskan untuk merebut medali emas SEA Games," terang Nurdin Halid, ketua umum (Ketum) PSSI, saat ditemui di kantor PSSI kemarin sore (12/7).
Sayang, dia enggan menyebut bahwa Riedl akan dimaksimalkan ke timnas U-23. Namun, pernyataan tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa Riedl akan dikaryakan di timnas U-23. Itu disebabkan SEA Games memang memberlakukan batasan umur setiap pemain, yakni 23 tahun.
Sebenarnya, kondisi tersebut tak ubahnya dilema bagi PSSI. Pasalnya, mereka sudah terlanjur mengontrak mantan pelatih Vietnam itu selama dua tahun. Target pertama Riedl ialah wajib membawa pulang gelar juara di Piala AFF (Feredasi Sepak Bola Asia Tenggara) 2010. Selanjutnya, dia juga dibebani target mampu membawa Timnas Indonesia menjadi juara di SEA Games 2011 ketika Indonesia ditunjuk sebagai tuan rumah. Wacana untuk mencari pelatih timnas senior juga sebenarnya cukup rawan dilakukan dalam waktu dekat. Apalagi, Riedl yang selama ini memangku jabatan tersebut sudah memiliki program kerja.
Setelah menggeber seleksi di Makassar dan Jakarta, rencananya para pemain sudah akan melakukan training center (TC/pemusatan latihan) mulai 1 Agustus mendatang. Apalagi, Piala AFF sudah sangat dekat. Namun, Nurdin menampik anggapan jika perekrutan tersebut tak berguna.
"Mencari pelatih berkualitas kan memang sudah menjadi kebutuhan. Sejak dulu memang sudah ada keinginan," tambah Nurdin.
Dia mengungkapkan, pelatih asing anyar tersebut tidak akan dikontrak dalam jangka pendek seperti pelatih-pelatih sebelumnya. PSSI bakal mengikat pelatih asing tersebut minimal empat tahun.
Mereka berharap, pelatih asing tersebut mampu membawa Indonesia menjadi Macan Asia serta mampu lolos ke Piala Dunia 2018. Karena itu, pelatih anyar tersebut bakal mendapat kesempatan yang lama agar bisa menjawab tantangan yang diberikan PSSI.
"Kami sudah melakukan penjajagan dengan Fatih Terim (mantan pelatih Timnas Turki). Yang pasti pelatih berkualitas memang sangat dibutuhkan sejak dulu. Namun karena PSSI tidak punya kemampuan biaya, akhirnya belum terlaksana," jelas mantan anggota DPR RI tersebut. (ru/diq/jpnn)

PSSI : Terim Tidak Akan Geser Riedl

Posted: 12 Jul 2010 05:05 PM PDT

Sejak Mei lalu, Alfred Riedl resmi menangani timnas Indonesia selama dua tahun.

Tannya Optimistis Tampil Bagus di Ancol

Posted: 12 Jul 2010 10:34 AM PDT

Tannya optimitis tampil bagus di ajang 8th Indonesia International Open Tenpin Bowling Championship yang resmi digelar Senin (12/7) kemarin di Jaya Bowling Ancol.

Tangani Timnas, Pelatih Asal Turki Didatangkan

Posted: 12 Jul 2010 07:09 AM PDT

JAKARTA (Pos Kota) Pemerintah Indonesia meneruskan upaya mendatangkan pelatih sepakbola asal Turki, Fatih Terim untuk menjadi pelatih Timnas Indonesia. Saat ini, tim lobi telah berada di London, dan dalam beberapa hari ke depan akan bertemu Terim di Jerman.

Kekalahan Tim Davis Indonesia Harus Dievaluasi �

Posted: 12 Jul 2010 05:45 AM PDT

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta - Petenis nasional Christopher Rungkat mengatakan, kekalahan tim Indonesia 3-1 dari Thailand pada babak Semifinal Piala Davis yang berlangsung di stadion Gelora Bung Karno kemarin harus menjadi bahan evaluasi.

Apabila ingin meraih emas ketika menjadi tuan rumah SEA Games 2011, para pemain harus dipersiapkan sejak sekarang. “Kita harus mulai start latihan dengan program yang jelas dari sekarang. Kalau tahun depan baru mulai, susah untuk bisa meraih medali,” kata Christo, usai bertanding melawan tim Thailand di Senayan, Ahad malam.

Christo menilai, kekuatan tenis negara-negara tetangga saat ini mulai meningkat. Sehingga lawan berat Indonesia tidak lagi hanya Thailand dan Filipina. Kamboja juga perlu diwaspadai. “Pemain Kamboja saat ini sudah mulai dilatih pelatih dari Prancis,” kata pemain yang kini berperingkat 960 dunia di nomor single.

Pemain Indonesia, menurutnya tidak kalah kualitasnya dari pemain negara lain. Kekurangan pemain Indonesia, kata Christo tidak banyak mengikuti turnamen tingkat internasional sehingga sulit bisa mengatasi tekanan saat bertanding.

Christo mencontohkan dirinya sendiri. Saat melawan pemain Thailand Kittipong Wachiramanowong pada pertandingan penentuan Piala Davis kemarin, ia mengaku sulit keluar dari tekanan, sehingga banyak melakukan kesalahan saat angka kritis.

Selain persiapan fisik dan teknik, pemain berusia 20 tahun ini menilai para pemain nasional perlu mendapatkan perlakuan bagus agar mempunyai prestise sebagai pemain pilihan.


Wapres: Bernyanyilah dengan Hati

Posted: 12 Jul 2010 03:17 AM PDT

JAKARTA, - Wakil Presiden Boediono, Senin (12/7/2010), melepas paduan suara anak asal Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah, Vocalista Angels, untuk mengikuti "The 6th World Choir Games" di Shaoxing, Shanghai, China.

Sebelumnya, Wapres Boediono mendoakan agar Vocalista Angles berhasil meraih prestasi terbaik dunia dan membawa harum nama Indonesia. Dalam pesannya, Wapres Boediono mengingatkan anak-anak agar menyanyi dengan rileks dan tenang sehingga suara yang dikeluarkan bukan keluar dari tenggorokan, akan tetapi dari hati.

"Saya optimistis anak-anak bisa berhasil nanti. Asalkan, kalian santai, tenang dan siap. Agar yang dinyanyikan benar-benar keluar dari hati, dan bukan tenggorokan kalian," kata Boediono, saat melepas di Gedung II Istana Wapres, Jakarta, Senin ini.

Menurut Boediono, getaran suara yang dikeluarkan oleh anak-anak akan berbeda terdengarnya jika dinyanyikan dan keluar dari hati. "Jadi, saya harapkan dapat dikeluarkan dari apa yang ada di hati anak-anak," lanjutnya.

Dikatakan, lagu-lagu yang akan dibawakan Vocalista Angles beberapa di antaranya adalah lagu-lagu dolanan anak-anak di Jawa Tengah. Oleh sebab itu, diharapkan, Vocalista Angels dapat memberikan pengantar kepada publik sebelum anak-anak tampil.

"Sebab, lagu dolanan itu berbicara keseharian dan suasana anak-anak. Jadi, lucu-lucu dan menggembirakan," jelasnya. Beberapa lagu yang akan dibawakan dalam kompetisi dunia itu, dan ditampilkan di hadapan Wapres Boediono saat itu adalah "Go Jago", "Romo Ono Maling" dan "Montor-montor Cilik".

Paduan suara anak yang didirikan sejak 1997 telah berhasil meraih sejumlah prestasi dunia dan nasional seperti Juara Pertama lomba paduan suara tingkat Asia "1st Asian Choir Games" dan menyabet dua medali emas di lomba paduan suara tingkat dunia "World Choir Games Championship" di Korea Selatan serta juara pertama Pesta Paduan Suara Gerejawi tingkat nasional di Medan, Sumatera Utara, 2006.

Menurut pimpinan paduan suara Theresia Rosa, Vocalista Angles yang berangkat Senin sore ini ke Shanghai, China, berada dalam nomor urut ke-17 paduan suara anak di dunia, sehingga dalam lomba paduan suara kali ini, Vocalista Angels mendapat keistimewaan langsung melewati tingkat penyisihan dan mengikuti kejuaraan dunia.

Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard (Rip) - Forum Komunitas <b>...</b>

Posted: 11 Jul 2010 07:04 AM PDT

Go Back   Forum Komunitas Teknisi Ponsel Indonesia > Out Of Topic > Komputer / PC / Laptop, Gadget dan Game Console > Games PC

<b>Game</b> Online Terbaru Empire Heroes <b>Indonesia</b>

Posted: 09 Jul 2010 08:28 PM PDT

One of New Online Game or Game Online Terbaru named Empires Heroes is pretty exciting for us to play. Game of the struggles of this knight will become one of the most popular online game.

Homeland Gamers are now increasingly spoiled by the presence of the Empire Heroes. Web-based online game is ready to launch.

Empire Heroes is a web-based online game that takes the story in the Middle Ages. This game is claimed to have a strong storyline, but easy to understand. Hopefully, regular played by gamers of all ages.

"Heroes Empire Games was very interesting and easy to play. I'm sure gamers in Indonesia would fall in love with this latest game, "said Rinandi, Public Officer Web Game.

Claimed to be different from other online games because most web-based. So for the Empire heros, users do not need to install or download a particular file. Simply use a browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox, the game is also ready to play.

But for gamers who want to taste it to be a little patient. Because, as the publisher Web Game Heroes Empire in the new Indonesia will launch officially in early August 2010,

Empire Heroes is one of the online game coming soon in Indonesia. This web-based game is claimed to have interesting storylines that light, so that could be played by gamers of all ages.

Heroes take the story in the Empire during the medieval past, ie the time when the world still inhabited by many kinds of races bemacam. Because of the greed of the power of extraordinary Crystal Magic, eventually occurs with prolonged major war between the races in the Empire Heroes.

There are few nations in the Empire Heroes. For the sake of its own, established a form of communion between peoples Devil, Merman, and the Harpy called the Devil Union to destroy the Human race, orcs, and elves.

Heroes World at Empire ruled by the Devil nation. Now, players will lead the troops and the town to face the Devil Union and overthrow the existing government. Gamers will act as a leader in a city and demanded to stay afloat while continuing to develop the area in preparation for war against Devil Union.

There are three nations that can be played at the Empire Heroes, among others:

Nations Human
The Human is the nation with the highest population in the continental Empire. With a clever mind, they become powerful and has influence over other nations. But the complicated ideology has brought this nation in conflicts and problems, and endless war.

Orc Nation
Born in the most harsh continental climate, Tonatyw, the Orcs prepare their holy land in the desert oasis Oakgov. Long history of Orcs who have struggled in their harsh natural environment, has made them trained in self-defense so do not be surprised if the orcs more emphasis on physical strength than the magic of technology.

Elf Nation
Weak physical strength does not create a nation that underestimated Elf existence. With a strong spiritual power, they use more magic in his life. Some communities go to the continent south Elf Backland for shelter and some others stayed in the main continent.

Interested in playing? Patient first, the article as the publisher Web Game Heroes Empire in the new Indonesia will launch officially in early August 2010.

Empire Heroes is one of the online game coming soon in Indonesia. This web-based game is claimed to have interesting storylines that light, so that could be played by gamers of all ages.

Heroes take the story in the Empire during the medieval past, ie the time when the world still inhabited by many kinds of races bemacam. Because of the greed of the power of extraordinary Crystal Magic, eventually occurs with prolonged major war between the races in the Empire Heroes.

There are few nations in the Empire Heroes. For the sake of its own, established a form of communion between peoples Devil, Merman, and the Harpy called the Devil Union to destroy the Human race, orcs, and elves.

Heroes World at Empire ruled by the Devil nation. Now, players will lead the troops and the town to face the Devil Union and overthrow the existing government. Gamers will act as a leader in a city and demanded to stay afloat while continuing to develop the area in preparation for war against Devil Union.

There are three nations that can be played at the Empire Heroes, among others:

Nations Human
The Human is the nation with the highest population in the continental Empire. With a clever mind, they become powerful and has influence over other nations. But the complicated ideology has brought this nation in conflicts and problems, and endless war.

Orc Nation
Born in the most harsh continental climate, Tonatyw, the Orcs prepare their holy land in the desert oasis Oakgov. Long history of Orcs who have struggled in their harsh natural environment, has made them trained in self-defense so do not be surprised if the orcs more emphasis on physical strength than the magic of technology.

Elf Nation
Weak physical strength does not make a nation that underestimated Elf existence. With a strong spiritual power, they use more magic in his life. Some communities go to the continent south Elf Backland for shelter and some others stayed in the main continent.

Interested in playing? Patient first, the article as the publisher Web Game Heroes Empire in the new Indonesia will launch officially in early August 2010.

Update Software Point Blank <b>Indonesia</b> Online <b>Game's</b> favorite <b>...</b>

Posted: 09 Jul 2010 06:34 AM PDT

Update Software Point Blank Indonesia Online Game’s favorite – Point Blank Cheat Cash Download

SEO <b>Indonesia</b> Furniture Wholesale Info Update - Blog Online <b>...</b>

Posted: 02 Jul 2010 09:07 PM PDT

Indonesia Furniture Wholesale Seo extended until 26 September 2010 and the announcement of SEO contest winner on 28 September 2010, and therefore for those of you who have a good seo web site to register you to join fight to the contestants seo Indonesia in 2010 games, the winner will receive a gift with the total reached 26 million not billion.

This information about SEO Indonesia Furniture Wholesale from website seo contest organizers as the seo games in 2010 Indonesia furniture handicraft wholesale marketplace.

Together to build the Indonesia nation. Independence Day enliven the number 65 in August, the committee extended the time SEO Game SEO Game registration until 26 September 2010, and the announcement of our winners will be informed on September 28, 2010. This resignation will we do to get out of Indonesia to be the best gift for our beloved country.

So, immediately potential list your website to introduce the Indonesian furniture products, and who knows a winner contest seo Indonesia furniture handicraft wholesale marketplace.

Support : Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace

Indonesia at the Olympics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: 03 Jul 2010 03:39 AM PDT

Indonesia at the Olympic Games

Flag of Indonesia
IOC code  INA
NOC Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia
Website (Indonesian)
Olympic history
Summer Games
1952 • 1956 • 1960 • 1964 • 1968 • 1972 • 1976 • 1980 • 1984 • 1988 • 1992 • 1996 • 2000 • 2004 • 2008

Indonesia first participated at the Olympic Games in 1952, and has sent athletes to compete in every Summer Olympic Games since then, except for 1964 and 1980, when they participated in the American-led boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics. Indonesia has never participated in the Winter Olympic Games.

The National Olympic Committee for Indonesia was created in 1946 and recognized in 1952.

Indonesian athletes have won a total of 25 medals, almost all in badminton and women's weightlifting. While the country's total of 6 gold medals is lower than Thailand's 7, Indonesia has won the highest number of medals among all Southeast Asian nations with the second highest being Thailand with 21.

Archers Lilies Handayani, Nurfitriyana Saiman & Kusuma Wardhani gained the republic's first ever podium finish, a silver medal, in the women's team event at the 1988 Seoul Games. However, Indonesia have won all their gold medals in badminton at the Summer Olympics. Future married couple Susi Susanti and Alan Budikusuma won the nation's first 2 gold medals in the women's and men's singles events respectively at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. It marked the start of Indonesia's gold medal tradition in the next 5 Summer Games. Barcelona 1992 was also the only Games in which Indonesia won 2 gold medals.

The last gold medallists were Markis Kido and Hendra Setiawan in the men's doubles event of badminton at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

<b>Game</b> Online <b>Indonesia</b> New Online <b>Game</b>

Posted: 29 Jun 2010 03:56 AM PDT

Game Online Terbaru or New Online Game in the virtual world are many, including the entry into Indonesia. An online game is a game played over some form of computer network. This almost always means the Internet or equivalent technology, but games have always used whatever technology was current: modems before the Internet, and hard wired terminals before modems. 

CROSSFIRE <b>INDONESIA</b> | Download <b>Games</b> Cheat and Tricks

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 09:25 AM PDT


Point Blank Download <b>Indonesia Games</b>

Posted: 14 May 2010 03:33 PM PDT

Download Point Blank <b>Game</b> Online <b>Indonesia</b>

Posted: 12 May 2010 04:18 AM PDT

Game Online Terbaru  in the year 2010 this. In the gaming business, in fact Indonesia is quite skilled people and well respected in the world. Point Blank Online Game one of the world's most popular games on today.

Online gaming is also present on social networking site Facebook. Gamers like spoiled by this site facilities. Is a popular type of game point blank (of war), poker (card game), Farmville, cafe world, premier football, mafia wars, and much more.

The presence of online games, including those presented in Facebook, started to replace the domination of the game that was created for the PS3, Nintendo, and Xbox. Level visit the site of some leases (rentals) PS3, Nintendo, and Xbox, began to decrease.

Kim explained, although until now no international tournament could be a proving ground for the local game players, but Point Blank players from Indonesia, was already known as a reliable players.

Sometimes, online gaming is opened so that Indonesian players and players from other countries could join in a single battle. From there is, Jacy said Kim, can be seen that the skill of the players Indonesian above average.

"Indonesia is the best gamers in online games Point Blank," Jacy said Kim, Chief Operating Officer of PT Kreon, Point Blank online game publisher in Indonesia.

Point Blank online game genre is first person shooter (FPS), also played by the gamer in many countries such as South Korea, Russia, and Thailand. In Indonesia, this game is one of the most popular online game.

Like the classic FPS game Counter-Strike, in Point Blank, a player can strengthen the two opposing camps, namely to become a member of the security guard or member of a rebel. In the game's besutan Zepetto developer, players must finish off the enemy with a complete set missions.

Marketing Manager Kreon Jansen said Edi, Point Blank teaches sportsmanship, good teamwork, and attitudes do not give up. This is one online game to educate enough character and the character of a person to be a person who has a moral and responsible.

For players under the age, games are able to eliminate the effects of blood and the other things of less worth visits by children. We can see Point Blank Video Game Online below

Very pleased indeed to play online games Point Blank Indonesia can we play with as they pleased.


Posted: 02 Apr 2010 12:00 AM PDT

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