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On Selasa, 20 Juli 2010 0 komentar

top games US-S.Korea war <b>games</b> sends 'message' to N.Korea (AFP <b>...</b>

US-S.Korea war <b>games</b> sends 'message' to N.Korea (AFP <b>...</b>

Posted: 20 Jul 2010 07:53 AM PDT

US-S.Korea war games sends ‘message’ to N.Korea (AFP)

Top Ten Facebook <b>Games</b> |

Posted: 20 Jul 2010 05:39 AM PDT

Make feature this time to remind us on a funny video contains a poem called Mother and Facebook which have appeared on Youtube. True. In this article we will involve Facebook as the most popular social network in Indonesia today. More precisely still, this feature will be titled, "10 Most Addictive Facebook Game." So turn on your computer, log into your Facebook account, and try to play ten games we mentioned below. In the feature this time there is no such thing as rank, so the ten games we mentioned below have been prepared not by rank.

1. Mafia Wars
Indisputable baseball, artificial Zynga games this one is very popular and addictive. You could say Mafia Wars is a game that could make us hours and hours in front of the computer watching Mafia Wars pages. Mafia Wars we can classify as an easy game to play, even for beginners though. But even then it does not mean the game is not suitable for hardcore gamers, even the longer missions that were offered for the more advanced and challenging. So do not take lightly yes! The main points to play Mafia Wars is a kingdom of yours become a big mafia. You can enrich yourself, expand or strengthen your group business.

Having lots of friends is not a necessity in Mafia Wars, but it would be nice if you have several friends who join the gang. Because they can lift you into a top mafia that has such a special position, Mastermind, Wheelman, Button Man, Bodyguard, Safecracker and Bagman. Each top mafia would give bonuses to players according to ability with the occupation. In addition, the number of friends that many would strengthen the power of attack or defense. So the more crowded the more fun cuy!

2. Texas Hold'em Poker
Texas Hold'em Poker is a Texas-style poker games is on Facebook. Anyway if you love the game of poker, this game could be an effective means to kill time. Imagine the pleasure to play poker with many people at once or to hone your skills with the masters of the poker world. Texas Hold'em Poker on Facebook, provides a weekly tournament with a ranking list. So you can show the ability to people around the world and become god of the greatest gambler on Facebook. Who knew you could be a god instead of competing for real gambling in Las Vegas or Macao.

Card game created in Robstown, Texas in the 1900s this was first introduced in Las Vegas in 1967. Professional Pejudi Crandell Addington, admitted the first time I saw Texas Hold'em Poker in 1959. First known as Texas Hold'em Hold'em, without additive Texas. The most glaring difference between poker game Texas Hold'em with ordinary is, the chance to bet. In poker, you can only bet twice. While at Texas Hold'em Poker, you can bet four times. Supplement these two occasions, making the analysis (or mathematical strategy) games, far more complicated than the usual poker. This makes Texas Hold'em Poker became famous.

3. Pet Society
Playfish Pet Society is a game that was released for social networks Facebook and MySpace. The theme of this game is pretty simple, basically you'll have a pet that can be arbitrarily designed us. If you already have an animal, you can walk him, play ball or buy her clothes. Later, every activity you do will result in a trophy. Well, this is the trophy that shows your status in the game. So do not be surprised if your friend on Facebook show trophies that they have in Pet Society. Besides trophies, we also have to take care of our pets, bathing, feeding and much more. Just stay away from baseball tamagochi deh! The difference, at Pet Society we can play together with friends and visit each other.

Finding money is an obligation on the Pet Society, because it is impossible without adequate money we earn trophies associated with shopping for your pet.

4. Restaurant City
Like to cook? But not yet understand how to open a restaurant? Play games Restaurant City! We guarantee you will definitely good at managing a restaurant! Deng baseball, there hehehe .. we even hooked for hours in front of the computer game melototin Restaurant City. As a new game, Restaurant City is very quick to capture customers. Not until half a year, active users Restaurant City already soaring. All had achieved a simple but addictive gameplay bekat who seemed to have become the trademark Playfish.

In accordance with the title, here we will build the food business, from the beginning that only a small shop to become a popular restaurant. Each level increases could expand the area and increase the number of employees who will work in your restaurant. Uniquely, the employees of the restaurant you can take your friends list who is on Facebook. So have many friends in Facebook can be a plus when playing games Restaurant City. Many options cuy! (When does baseball too influential, too.)

5. YoVille
You could say while playing YoVille we will be faced with a similar feeling when we play The Sims series. So for fans of the series-bonekaan doll, aka The Sims, YoVille can we think of as a simplified version of the game. In YoVille we can play some interesting minigame that can generate money. Later we can use the money to buy furniture or clothes for your character.

YoVille Although similar to The Sims, as a developer Zynga YoVille not copy them raw all the features of The Sims. Just imagine if all the features of The Sims (especially the feature to make children) present in YoVille. I could have this game and adults will get a rating that we can not play on Facebook.

Note: try typing rude words in English, almost all the words are replaced with the phrase "yadda".

Presiden Minta Indonesia Masuk Papan Atas

Posted: 20 Jul 2010 08:05 AM PDT

"Kalau mengenai target Presiden minta kita menjadi papan atas," kata Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga Andi Mallarangeng di Kantor Presiden, Jakarta, Selasa, seusai melakukan pertemuan dengan Presiden mengenai penentuan tuan ruman SEA Games 2011.

Tapi, kata Andi, para atlet pasti ingin menjadi juara. "Saya tahu teman-teman para atlet ingin menjadi juara, Jadi Insyallah kita akan sukses penyelengaraan dan prestasi. Ini menjadi tekad kita semua," katanya.

Sementara itu seusai rapat koordinasi persiapan SEA games 2011 di Kementerian Koordinator Kesejahteraan Rakyat awal tahun ini, disebutkan bahwa Indonesia menargetkan memperoleh 120 medali emas selama SEA Games pada 2011 dan menargetkan meraih posisi juara umum.

Pada SEA Games 2009 di Laos, Indonesia meraup 48 medali emas dan berada di peringkat tiga setelah Thailand dan Vietnam.

Menpora pada penghujung 2009 saat menghadiri pengukuhan Prof Dr Pratikno sebagai Guru Besar Fisipol UGM mengatakan, bukan tidak mungkin Indonesia menjadi juara umum SEA Games 2011.

"Kita boleh berbangga diri dengan prestasi yang ditorehkan atlet Indonesia pada SEA Games di Laos, sehingga bukan tidak mungkin pada 2011 kita menjadi yang terbaik di Asia Tenggara," katanya.

Andi dengan didampingi oleh Ketua Umum KONI Rita Subowo dan Gubernur Sumatra Selatan Alex Noerdin melakukan pertemuan dengan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono guna menentukan tuan rumah SEA Games 2011 di Kantor Presiden, Selasa siang.

Pada rapat itu diputuskan bahwa SEA Games 2011 akan dilakukan di dua provinsi yaitu Sumatra Selatan --lokasi dilakukan pembukaan dan penutupan-- dan satu provinsi lagi akan ditetapkan kemudian dari tiga calon yang lain yaitu DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah.

SEA Games 2011 yang dijadwalkan dibuka pada 11 November 2011 itu akan menggunakan logo burung Garuda dan maskot Komodo, yang merupakan ciri khas Indonesia.

SEA Games yang akan berlangsung pada November 2011 diperkirakan diikuti oleh 6.000 atlet, 4.000 ofisial dan wartawan dari setidaknya 11 negara peserta --Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Kamboja, Myanmar, Singapura, Filipina dan Timur Leste.(*)

Presiden Harap Sea Games 2011 Sukses

Posted: 20 Jul 2010 01:02 AM PDT

INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Pada 2011, Indonesia akan menjadi tuan rumah dalam penyelenggaraan Sea Games se-ASIA Tenggara. Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pun menghimbau agar mensukseskan penyelenggaraan ini.

"Saudara-saudara, kita harus berhasil di dalam menyelenggarakan Sea Games tahun depan," kata Presiden SBY saat membuka rapat terbatas di Kantor Presiden, Kompleks Istana, Jakarta, Selasa (20/7).

Dikatakan Presiden, kriteria sebuah keberhasilan diukur dari sukses penyelenggaraan dan suskes prestasi. Oleh karena itu untuk mencapai keberhasilan itu, tutur SBY, diperlukan persiapan yang baik, latihan-latihan yang efektif dan semua bekerjasama untuk menyukseskan Sea Games tersebut.

"Ini adalah pekerjaan semua, bukan hanya tugas Gubernur Sumatera Selatan bukan hanya tugas Menpora dan KONI saja. Kita bisa memetik pelajaran dan pengalaman dari negara-negara lain yang menjadi tuan rumah itu, yang menjadi tuan rumah itu all out untuk mempersiapkan segalanya. Contohnya yang belum lama World Cup di Afrika Selatan, sebelumnya Olimpiade di Beijing. Seperti itu," ujarnya.

Presiden juga mengatakan bahwa ini menyangkut citra bangsa di forum global. "Oleh karena itu, saya sangat berharap semua pihak dengan bersungguh-sungguh mempersiapkan penyelenggaraan Sea Games ini," cetusnya.

Presiden juga meminta saat perhelatan Sea Games berlangsung soal keamanan, pengaturan lalu lintas, kegiatan masyarakat lokal untuk diperhatikan dengan baik. "Kalau mereka diajak bicara baik-baik, dilibatkan baik-baik, kemudian juga didengar saran dan masukannya pastilah akan dapat diselenggarakan dengan baik," jelasnya.

Dijtegaskan SBY, karena hal tersebut menyangkut martabat bangsa, manajemen pemerintahan Indonesia dan juga manajemen keolahragaan Indonesia. [win/jib]

Indonesia Juara 3 Pekan Olahraga Pelajar Asean 2010 �

Posted: 20 Jul 2010 12:08 AM PDT

TEMPO Interaktif, Kuala Lumpur - Indonesia mempertahankan peringkatnya sebagai juara ke-3 pada Pekan Olahraga Pelajar se-Asia Tenggara 2010 yang digelar di Malaysia. Posisi atlet Indonesia kali ini sama dengan prestasi yang diraih tahun lalu pada Asean Shcool Game pertama di Thailand.

Dalam ajang ini Indonesia meraih 14 emas, 16 perak, dan 18 perunggu. Posisi pertama diraih Malaysia dan posisi kedua ditempati Thailand.

Atas prestasi ini, ketua kontingen Indonesia Akhyar Matra menyatakan kepuasannya. "Sejak awal digulirkannya tahun lalu, tujuannya adalah agar pelajar-pelajar se-Asean bisa saling mengenal dan memahami," katanya, Selasa (20/7).

Dalam Asean School Games kali ini, Indonesia banyak mendapat sumbangan medali dari cabang renang. Sedangkan tuan rumah Malaysia mendulang medali dari cabang senam dan atletik.

Asean School Games 2011 rencananya akan di Gelar di Singapura. Indonesia dijadwalkan akan menjadi tuan rumah Pekan Olahraga Pelajar Asean untuk bawah usia 18 tahun ini dua tahun lagi.

MASRUR (Kuala Lumpur)

Pelajar Indonesia Kalah dari Malaysia dan Thailand

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 10:53 PM PDT

TEMPO Interaktif, Kuala Lumpur - Indonesia mempertahankan posisi di peringkat ketiga Pekan Olahraga Pelajar Asia Tenggara 2010 yang digelar di Malaysia. Posisi atlet Indonesia kali ini sama dengan prestasi yang diraih tahun lalu pada pergelaran pertama di Thailand. 

Raihan 14 medali emas, 16 perak, dan 18 perunggu memaksa Indonesia harus puas di bawah tuan rumah Malaysia dan Thailand yang masing-masing meraih posisi pertama dan kedua. Namun, Ketua Kontingen Indonesia, Akhyar Matra, menyatakan kepuasannya. “Tujuan awal diselenggarakannya ASEAN School Games ini kan bukan sekadar raihan medali ” kata Akhyar. “Sejak awal digulirkannya tahun lalu, tujuannya adalah agar pelajar-pelajar se-ASEAN bisa saling mengenal dan memahami”.

Walaupun begitu, kata Akhyar, karena menggunakan media olahraga, maka konsekuensinya adalah perolehan medali menjadi salah satu tujuan. Dalam kejuaraan kali ini, Indonesia banyak mendapat sumbangan medali dari cabang renang. Sedangkan tuan rumah Malaysia mendulang medali dari senam dan atletik.

Kejuaraan 2011 akan digelar di Singapura. Sedangkan Indonesia dijadwalkan akan menjadi tuan rumah Pekan Olahraga Pelajar ASEAN untuk usia di bawah 18 tahun ini dua tahun lagi. Akhyar tidak bersedia menyatakan target perolehan medali Indonesia saat menjadi tuan rumah nanti. “Target utamanya menjadi tuan rumah yang baik saja” kata Akhyar.
MASRUR (Kuala Lumpur)

Indonesia Peringkat Tiga di Asean School Games 2010

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 10:20 PM PDT

Kuala Lumpur (ANTARA News) - Indonesia meraih posisi ketiga setelah Thailand dan Malaysia dalam kejuaraan olahraga antar pelajar se Asean atau Asean School Games (ASG) 2010 ke-2 yang berlangsung di Malaysia, 12-21 Juli 2010.

"Prestasi di rangking ketiga ini mempertahankan posisi saat Asean School Games 2009 ke-1 di Bangkok. Perolehan medali pelajar Indonesia ialah 14 emas, 16 perak dan 18 perunggu dengan sembilan cabang olahraga yang diikuti," kata Achyar Matra, kepala kontingan Indonesia di ASG 2010 ke-2 di Kuala Lumpur, Selasa.

Dalam perolehan Medali di ASG 2010 ini, Thailand merebut 74 emas, disusul Malaysia 46 emas dan Indonesia hanya 14 emas. Sedangkan ASG 2009 yang pertama kali di Bangkok, Thailand meraih 70 emas, Vietnam 18 emas dan Indonesia hanya 13 emas, sementara Malaysia tidak mengirimkan kontingen karena sedang merebaknya wabah H1N1 di kalangan pelajar mereka.

"Jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2009, perolehan pelajar Indonesia di ASG ke-2 ini sedikit lebih baik. Tahun 2009 hanya 13 emas sedangkan 2010 memperoleh 14 emas.

Keunggulan atlit pelajar Indonesia adalah di cabang renang. Dari 28 medali emas yang direbutkan, Indonesia menyabet delapan medali emas. Tapi kelemahannya di cabang atletik dan senam.

"Di cabang Atletik, Indonesia hanya meraih empat emas dari 39 medali emas, dan mendapat satu emas dari cabang senam dari 21 medali yang tersedia. Jadi atlit kita lemah di cabang atletik dan senam yang banyak tersedia emas," kata Achyar.

Indonesia mengirim 165 atlit pelajar untuk bertanding di sembilan cabang olahraga di Asean School Games (ASG) ke-2 di Kuala Lumpur yang berlangsung, 12-21 Juli 2010, dengan target menjadi juara ke-2.

"Kami berharap Indonesia dapat mempertahankan posisinya ketiga, lebih bagus jika prestasi meningkat di posisi ke-2," kata Menpora Andi Mallarangeng kepada pers Indonesia, usai menghadiri pembukaan ASG ke-2 di stadion Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Selasa (13/7).

"Tahun 2012, Indonesia akan menjadi tuan rumah Asean School Games ke-4, setelah Singapura tahun 2011. Kami targetkan tahun 2012 Indonesia menjadi juara umum," kata Andi.

Ada 1.302 atlit dan delegasi dari tujuh negara Asean yang ikut ASG ke-2 ini yakni Brunei, Indonesia, Filipina, Singapura, Thailand, Vietnam dan Malaysia. Mereka akan memperebutkan 11 medali emas dari 11 cabang olahraga yang dipertandingkan.

Presiden Pimpin Ratas Bahas Persiapan SEA Games

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 10:09 PM PDT

Jakarta - Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) memimpin rapat terbatas (ratas) membahas persiapan  SEA Games 2011 yang akan berlangsung di Palembang, Sumatera Selatan. SBY berharap, Indonesia bisa berhasil menyelenggarakan dan menang dalam pertandingan.

"Kita harus berhasil dalam menyelenggarakan SEA Games tahun depan, sukses penyelenggaraan dan sukses prestasi," kata SBY saat sambutan mengawali ratas di
kantor presiden, Jalan Veteran, Jakarta, Selasa (20/7/2010).

Hadir dalam ratas ini, Mennegpora Andi Mallarangeng, Gubernur Sumsel Alex Nurdin, Ketua Koni Rita Subowo dan beberapa menteri terkait.

Untuk meraih kesuksesan dalam penyelenggaraan dan prestasi, SBY mengimbau agar persiapan dilakukan dengan baik, termasuk latihan yang efektif.

"Ini adalah misi bangsa, bukan hanya tugas Gubernur Sumsel, Menpora, dan Koni saja," ujar SBY.

SBY menekankan, sukses menjadi tuan rumah akan mampu meningkatkan citra Indonesia di mata internasional. Sebagaimana Afrika Selatan yang sukses menyelanggarakan World Cup.

"Ini adalah citra bangsa, makin baik citra kita, makin banyak kita berpeluang melakukan kerjasama dengan negara lain, tak cuma masalah olahraga," paparnya.

Dipilihnya Sumsel  sebagai tuan rumah, lanjut SBY, bukan karena provinsi tersebut semata-mata karena siap. Tetapi lantaran Provinsi  Sumsel semangat untuk menjadi tuan rumah.

SBY berharap, semua pihak ikut membantu mensukseskan SEA Games ke XXVI ini.

( anw / roz )

Tetap update informasi di manapun dengan dari browser ponsel anda!

Indonesia Harus Berhasil di SEA Games

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 09:44 PM PDT

Sports - Sport Lain

Indonesia Harus Berhasil di SEA Games

Selasa, 20 Juli 2010 - 11:15 wib

Presiden SBY Cek Kesiapan SEA Games 2011

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 09:29 PM PDT

Jakarta, (tvOne)

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono melakukan pengecekan kesiapan penyelenggaraan South East Asia Games (SEA Games) 2011 mendatang, Selasa (20/7). Indonesia memang akan menjadi tuan rumah ajang olahrga regional yang digelar tahun depan ini.

Bertempat di Kantor Presiden Jakarta, Kepala Negara mendengarkan paparan dari sejumlah penanggung jawab penyelenggaraan antara Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga Andi Mallarangeng, Gubernur Sumatera Selatan Alex Noerdin dan Ketua KONI Rita Subowo.

Tampak hadir pula Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Djoko Kirmanto, Menteri Perhubungan Freddy Numberi, Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Jero Wacik, Mensesneg Sudi Silalahi dan Seskab Dipo Alam. (Ant)

Presiden Terima Laporan Persiapan SEA Games

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 09:21 PM PDT

Bertempat di Kantor Presiden Jakarta, Kepala Negara mendengarkan paparan dari sejumlah penanggung jawab penyelenggaraan antara Menpora Andi Mallarangeng, Gubernur Sumatera Selatan Alex Noerdin dan Ketua KONI Rita Subowo.

Tampak hadir pula Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Djoko Kirmanto, Menteri Perhubungan Freddy Numberi, Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Jero Wacik, Mensesneg Sudi Silalahi dan Seskab Dipo Alam.

SBY Minta Indonesia Sukses di Sea Games 2011

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 08:44 PM PDT

VIVAnews - Pemerintah mempersiapkan diri dalam penyelenggaraan Sea Games 2011 mendatang. Presiden meminta Indonesia sukses dalam penyelenggaraan dan prestasi dalam Sea Games mendatang.

"Kita harus berhasil dalam menyelenggarakan Sea Games. Kriteria keberhasilan diukur dari sukses penyelenggaraan dan sukses prestasi," kata Presiden SBY dalam sambutan sebelum memimpin Rapat Kabinet Terbatas membahas persiapan Sea Games 2011 di Kantor Presiden, Jakarta, Selasa 20 Juli 2010.

Menurut Presiden, keberhasilan penyelenggaraan Sea Games 2011 dapat menaikkan citra Indonesia di tingkat global. "Makin baik citra kita, makin ada peluang besar. Bukan hanya di bidang politik, tapi juga ekonomi dan budaya," ujar SBY.

Dalam rapat ini, pemerintah juga mendengarkan paparan Gubernur Sumatera Selatan sebagai tuan rumah. Pemerintah Pusat mengapresiasi tekad Sumatera Selatan dalam kesuksesan penyelenggaraan Sea Games. "Ini modal, mari dukung," tutur Presiden. Selanjutnya, Presiden meminta terwujudnya sinergi dan sinkronisasi antara daerah penyelenggara, pemerintah pusat, dan juga KONI.

Adapun sejumlah menteri yang hadir dalam rapat ini antara lain Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga Andi Malarangeng, Menteri Budaya dan Pariwisata Jero Wacik, Menteri Perhubungan Freddy Numberi dan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Djoko Kirmanto. Hadir pula Gubernur Sumatera Selatan Alex Noerdin dan Ketua KONI Rita Soebowo.

These are the 1st Champions of the World Choir <b>Games</b> 2010 <b>...</b>

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 05:28 AM PDT

Super!! Gratulation. Wir sind stolz auf euch und drücken euch weiterhin ga... David on Das sind die 1. Champions der World Choir Games 2010! These are the 1st Champions of the World Choir Games 2010! : Yuhu.....GO INDONESIA. ...

Free Download Strategy <b>Game</b> Most Favorite <b>Indonesia</b> Terbaru

Posted: 18 Jul 2010 10:18 PM PDT

Play Free Games Online Now, Strategy game along the offspring such as real time, turn based, management, tycoon, until the simulation is much loved by gamers. Especially lovers of PC-based games.

Although no doubt there are many types of games that are not less exciting, but as quoted from My Gaming, Friday (16 / 7), strategy game are still mastering all game sales in the market.

Based on data collected by the Game Rangkings, these are the eighth game strategy played by a lot of gamers. 8 Strategy Game Most Favorite :

1. Company of Heroes (2006)
Strategy game from Relic is about the conditions in the second world war. This game has a good design with a variety of attractive features, so placing it at the highest position of the most popular strategy game.

2. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (2002)
Maybe for DOTA players, Warcraft III name is familiar. System of a simple game, with storyline and interesting characters, making the gamer can not stop playing this game.

3. Starcraft (1998)
Maybe this is the only one of the oldest strategy game and still played. Since its launched 12 years ago this game is still graced the list of the most interesting games.

4. Dungeon Keeper (1997)
Dungeon Keeper is a strategy game that has unique characteristics. In this game players will find ways to build a unique building, a fairly addictive game system as well as the various element of a joke.

5. Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings (1999)
For those who enthusiast to strategy game, must have ever played Age of Empires. Up to now the sequal continue to be developed until has a game system which is better.

6. Rome: Total War (2004)
Rome: Total War is a strategy game with a unique combination of game element. This game has the right blend of strategy element with action in the form of three-dimensional warfare.

7. Command & Conquer: Red Alert (1996)
Although classified as old game, but the Command & Conquer: Red Alert offers an unforgettable gaming experience.
8. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (2003)
The Frozen Throne is an additional expansion to Warcraft III. In this latest package, the player will undergo a story of prince Arthas who obsessed with having the power of The Frozen Throne.

<b>Game</b> Online Gratis Free <b>Indonesia</b>

Posted: 16 Jul 2010 05:04 AM PDT

Many Online Game that we can access for Free or Gratis in Indonesia. Online gaming is a gaming and entertainment for people of kita.Sebuah Part of the new gaming portal will be introduced next October 2010. Expected, from a targeted 400 games available, a portal that will mostly be filled by the local game content than foreign-made games.

Point Blank is an Online Game Newest quite a lot of fans, among the game - other online games. Portal game that will be launched Telkom. According to Budi Aryasa Komang, Senior Manager of Content aggregation and Incubation Telkom Multimedia Division, now there are 138 games available on the internet gaming portal Speedy.

"Unfortunately, locally-made game is still minimal. We do not want when the game portal that we launched in October next, the numbers are still small," he said in the Digital Lounge (Di-Lo), Mall of Indonesia, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta, Sunday (4 / 7 / 2010).

Game is one of the creative content industry is being developed this state telecommunications giant. Through games, Telkom hopes to hook new customers subscribing to Internet access as well as nurture the domestic entrepreneurial creative industries.

"According to our records from past games Speedy users, the number of gamers in Indonesia grew 33% annually. Great prospects for the industry," said Komang.

Telkom target there will be 400 games available when the portal was launched in October will be his game. Given the existing 138 mostly foreign made, the majority from South Korea, Komang expect 262 other types of games would be presented by the local game content providers.

"We are ready to assist local game developers to be creative through the creative centers like the one in this Digital Lounge. Currently, we are currently developing Online archipelago with local game developers. We still expect there are other developers joined the fray. We will help you become publisher of games, "said Komang.

To help encourage the development of creative industries, including gaming in Indonesia, Telkom, will build 10 creative center. Development of an existing container, such as the Digital Lounge is not only limited in Jakarta, but also in other regions. Among other things, such as Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta and Medan.

"To build Digital Lounge in Jakarta, we took Megindo. The investments of Rp 3.8 billion. Maybe for 10 creative center that we built this year that will cost us can invest up to USD 400 billion," said Komang.

For Digital Lounge is in The Mall of Indonesia, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta, available various facilities such as computer 200 that can be used to play the game, 13 private rooms, three VIP rooms each with a capacity of 10 persons, two function rooms with a capacity of eight people , lounge, library, and a gadget store.

Through the creative center of this form of Digital Lounge, Telkom will hold a sort of training to every element of society who want to develop their creations. This place is deliberately created in the informal impression to be more relaxed and inspirational in the works.

During the 2010 World Cup, Telkom also held events to watch for free with the general public interested in testing the existing facilities in this creative center.

Vendor emiting light monitor diode devices (LED) Samsung optimistic with Indonesian online gaming market is projected to grow rapidly from year to year.

Yoo-Young Kim, as the Managing Director of PT Samsung Electronics Indonesia said online gaming growing fast in Indonesia from year to year along with the games own technological developments. "It behooves us to sponsor the World Cyber Games [WCG] 2010," he said today.

PT Samsung Electronics Indonesia, he said, has more than 1,000 gamers to capture the title of World Cyber Games (WCG) Preliminary 2010 in Indonesia in the stimulation of the national gaming industry. Data from Megaxus Infotech-integrated multimedia online entertainment companies in Indonesia, the projected potential of the total online gaming market in Indonesia will increase from 4 million to 6 million gamers.

Gaming industry in the country diramaikan by the presence of about 10 companies including major players. Wendy Chandra, President Director PT Tunggal Sejahtera Megindo-peneydia GameStation-gaming service said it had been appointed as the official organizer of the event's world-class infrastructure and technological innovation with a particular online games.

In Indonesia, preliminary round competition of the world itself has been held in five major cities: Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya and Jogjakarta. More than 1000 gamers have participated in the preliminary round. Apart from Indonesia, around 90 countries participated in the Olympic games from around the world. The online gaming industry in Indonesia is projected target market of about 4 million game players from younger age segments.

For Samsung itself, the organization of this event is the participation of the Samsung-9 began in 2002. WCG is a competition which claimed the most prestigious gaming among gamers of the world where national qualifier for the representatives of Indonesia to the level of the world will end July 18, 2010.

The team which will represent Indonesia to compete at the WCG 2010 Grand Final match of the world which will take place in the city of Los Angeles, USA, on September 27 to October 3, 2010.
Samsung, said Yoo-Young Kim, provides the experience of competing interest by providing LED monitor that has a mega contrast ratio and response speed of 2 milli-seconds which is very suitable for playing comfort as the game looked alive and more exciting.

During the preliminary round of national competition in Indonesia, the WCG will be held a few international games competition, among others Countersrike 1.6, Tekken 6, Fifa 2010. In addition there will be two exhibition games for the national gamers Dota Allstars, Crossfire, Crazy Cart.Society today's world is an avid online game play that is so very bnyak online games can we play in this virtual world.

Result Medal and Tally, 25th SEA <b>Games</b>, Laos, Vientianne 2009 <b>...</b>

Posted: 12 Dec 2009 05:46 PM PST

Home » Indonesian News » Result Medal and Tally 13 December, 25th SEA Games, Laos, Vientianne 2009

Result Medal and Tally 13 December, 25th SEA Games, Laos, Vientianne 2009


Posted: 26 Jul 2007 12:00 AM PDT

EA games the sims complete collection 1 S/N: 9588548-43424-1424-17-32 na age of chaos 1.0 S/N: 5JI9H35Y6I worked for me. CFF-Crew Allok Avi To DvD Svcd Vcd 2.1.6 2.1.6 S/N: 474E81EF Ulead Gif Animator 5.0 S/N: 11103-85011-21226004 ...

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